Monday, January 31, 2011

Note to TV newscasts...

I don't give a flying fuck what "Judy from Syosset" thinks about a certain story via the internet. You have 22 minutes to give us the day's top headlines, and you're gonna fill the air with THIS nonsense? It's a TOTAL waste of time.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lentils, NOT Yentls!

Mom asked how I liked her dinner. "It was good; I like yentls." WHAT?! I don't THINK I have a head injury...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jack LaLanne...DEAD at 96

I really thought he'd live to be 115. If HE can't make it to 100, who the hell can?!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So with the LAPTOP, I should be writing MORE...

And yet for the 2nd night in a row, I miss the 3am deadline to "timestamp" today's date...which is now technically the 22nd, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still the 21st. And, yes, it's nearing 6am...OY! So i've just been like a kid on Christmas morning with a new toy...the "writing more" part WILL come, but for today, I spent a lot of time just experimenting and playing and sitting around the house in different places just for the hell of it with a WIRELESS LAPTOP! So, again, this is the entry for JANUARY 21...

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today was finally Christmas morning for Young Gary! And even though it's 4:40am, this post is meant to be THURSDAY, JANUARY 20TH'S. And on THURSDAY, JANUARY 20TH, I got -- FINALLY! -- a new laptop...and my life has now changed. Seriously. Like I can't even express in words. My YEARS-long computer NIGHTMARE is OVER! Can I possibly have more capital letters in this post? Oh, and almost equally exciting was me setting up the computer all by myself...AND getting online on someone else's wireless unsecured connection just for the hell of it. It's ALL totally new to me, but I figured it out like a champ! OK, I should really go to bed now...even though I'm enjoying the latest snowstorm at its peak, and kinda should stay awake to shovel it when it stops in like an hour. Eh. So summing up...WOW! A LAPTOP!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

May I recommend MODERNHIKER.COM?

Well, I just did; deal with it. It's always fascinating to me how both the mind and random internet clicks work. I don't even remember how, but earlier today I found myself staring at Mount Baldy's snow-capped peak soaring in the distance behind Los Angeles, which led to me wrongly googling Mt. Wilson, which led to this site. You see, I'd seen this general view of LA in a newspaper a few years back and was flabbergasted. I was so taken by it that I cut out the picture and hung it up on a bulletin board in my bedroom, where it remains today. I've only been to LA once -- a long, LONG time ago -- and don't recall such a breathtaking view. And even in the endless TV shows and movies set in LA, you NEVER see the City of Angels from this Denver-esque vantage point. WHY is that? Perhaps the smog ruins it too many days of the year? Who the hell knows, but it makes me more determined than ever to get to Southern California ASAP to wander -- to HIKE -- and take endless photographs. I was surely a Hermosa Beach surf dude in another life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Precious Baby Furball's 25TH (!?!?) Anniversary

I can't believe the little bitch would've been 25 now. Another dire sign of life's quick ride. Oy, vey. I mean, it doesn't seem like last month, but TWENTY-FIVE years since I came home from an 8-mile bike ride to find a puppy running around the house?! Actually, before I found the puppy, my brother ruined the surprise by blurting it out. Bastard. She lived to a ripe old 17-and-a-half, so no complaints about the length of her furry stay. I still miss her, though. Though she's still with us. In a box in the dining room...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I again find myself yearning to visit Barrow, AK

Or at the very least following people on Twitter who live there. Is that odd?

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Massacre in Tucson at Gabrielle Giffords' political event

A horrible day in America as 6 are killed and 13 are wounded, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Tucson. It's been a day where Sarah Palin's widely seen "Crosshairs Poster" has gotten a LOT of blame for what happened...even before anyone knew ANYthing about the gunman or motive. And so a friend of mine on Facebook was livid over this blaming of Sarah...and this friend is NOT a Sarah fan. The following is my 2:30am Facebook response:

I've had several beers and am rather tired, so -- along with this being rather complicated -- I may not articulate this as best as I could. I'd also like to say up front that while I'm a registered Democrat, I'm 1) a pretty damn reasonable ...human being who 2) knows dumbass politicians exist on both sides of the aisle and 3) would vote Republican if someone REASONABLE came along.

I think there are elements of truth to what you say. I understand to a degree where you're coming from. The shooter was the shooter. Period. Sarah Palin, I am SURE, did not wish any other human being to be shot in the head...I guess. I mean, I don't know WHAT that crazy bitch thinks, but my BEST guess is that she didn't wish death upon Democratic rivals...and certainly not upon innocent bystanders, including children.

But words have consequences. As do posters with crosshairs on opponents. Someone of her stature -- running for VP and possibly (God forbid) President of the US -- should not be doing such an unbelievably irresponsible thing. *And whether she did the "crosshair artwork" herself or had a graphic designer come in, she clearly eventually saw it and could've vetoed it...LONG ago. Yes, she SHOULD have "approved it" or not; it was a pretty damn prominent image in her campaign, and not something she wouldn't have seen. She was INCITING. She and her REPUBLICAN ilk have been slowly, surely, steadily INCITING a culture of fucking loons to literally take up arms and "take the country back."

NOW...when all the facts come in, it is quite possible that the gunman was a liberal leftist with ZERO interest in anything Palin had to say. Palin could have NOTHING to do with THIS particular lunatic...but that's beside the point. Should we then go "oh, OK, Sarah, you can put your crosshair poster back up, you weren't remotely responsible THIS time"...and then wait for the day that she IS? Today's events highlight the dangerous possibilities going on with the CONSISTENT whipping up of rage with violent words and imagery by ONE SIDE of the political aisle.

I put up the Crosshair Poster on my page today...but pretty much stopped there in terms of "blaming Sarah," though i'm sure to many it appeared I was RAGING against her. But I realized the risk of "jumping the gun"...and I put it up mainly because it was instantly a news item, and not just because people were instantly linking Palin to today's events, but because SHE obviously felt some link herself...since she TOOK IT DOWN from her site. If you've got nothing to feel guilty about, Sarah, why are you taking down the image? She was covering her ass and/or feeling regret over an IDIOTIC poster.

OK, I think I covered all my points. I'm exhausted, though, and need to finish my latest Yuengling. Thank you for your time and God bless America!

Friday, January 07, 2011

Bill Zeller's suicide note

Bill Zeller was a brilliant 27-year-old Princeton grad student with a lot of friends. He also spent his entire life hiding the fact that he was sexually abused as a kid...which directly led to his suicide this past week. I hate to remotely glorify suicide, but this epic note is incredibly powerful. I can't figure out how to include a damn link, so you'll have to exhaust yourself copying and pasting. I'm so sad that Bill felt he couldn't trust anyone to talk to, and i'm sorry this is how I came to know him. None of this should've happened.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

"Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap...INCREDIBLE song!

Been hearing this song for months and not investigating it. But last night I SPRINTED outta the bathroom to see whose ad it was. Diet Coke. Commence Googling. And the mystery was solved. Just an awesomely evocative ditty.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

I hacked my 1998 Gateway computer with a hammer last night

It felt REALLY good. I went at that fucker like a madman! I'd still like to drop it off a high roof, too...