Hi, I'm Catholic...
And over the past 24 hours, EVERYONE has been relentlessly mocking Catholicism...myself VERY much included. And it has struck me that this is the ONLY faith where such mockery can occur without being marked for death, forced to give on-air apologies, sponsors pulling out, or fired. Why is that? I'm not being funny when I say I think one of the best parts of being Catholic is that I can mock it without fearing for my life; it's a far LESS INSANE religion in this sense. There's just SO much hypocrisy about the whole mocking one religion while being SUPER DUPER SENSITIVE AND PC toward others. These other religions are JUST as intolerant, if not more so, of women and gays...and there's a good deal of molestation cover-ups in them, too. I guess the Catholic Church just has a higher visibility in many ways -- networks don't cut into programming to devote hours to unveiling the new Head Rabbi or whatever -- and with more visibility comes more criticism. So the media can be blamed...and the Catholic Church itself, with all its EVITA-like production numbers...so much GLITZ & GLAMOUR! But it's an interesting ongoing double standard to ponder. I think ALL religions should be, um, questioned.
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