Friday, October 31, 2008

Dull Halloween #2

This was THE dullest Halloween i've ever had. What's funny is that I forgot what I did last checked on my handy blog here...and saw that, well, no WONDER I forgot...because THAT was dull, too! But this year, i'd say, was even more dull...if only because Halloween falls on a Friday, which is automatically SPOOKY, right?! Yet I didn't take advantage of it. But who WOULD I do something with? I'd say the biggest difference this year, though, is that I didn't CARE Halloween was so dull...whereas last year I was endlessly lamenting Missed Opportunity.

This may sound sad and pathetic, but today was FANTASTIC on Facebook, and that more than made up for lack of holiday fun. I acquired two great new "friends," exchanged endless witty, salty banter via status message "comments," and had someone from high school tell me that something I did on video senior year stands as a "classic" memory for him. Now let me tell you, as briefly and vaguely as I can, because i'm actually tired of writing here and wanna get back to Facebook lol, that this "thing" I did on video WAS classic...all 5 seconds of it...and stands as perhaps the First Defining Moment of when I really knew I had "it" as a, well, comedian. Because, overall, I was a miserably insecure mess in high school...somehow fueled by this ambition, confidence, and epic ego that I couldn't figure out how to bring to the surface. But this thing I did made a roomful of fellow students laugh their asses off...people who barely acknowledged me, some of them. But I thought I was the only one on earth who remembered it. But, NO!! Years later, it resides in the memory of a fellow classmate! WONDERFUL!! OK, i'll stop now...i'm rambling and it's been at LEAST a half-hour since I checked Facebook for more notifications. Happy Halloween, everyone! God willing i'm still on the planet next year, I'll have to amp up Halloween again with a costume and fun times!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Historic October NJ SNOW Day!!!!!

At least it was everywhere but my house. I didn't see a SINGLE damn flake, while towns a mere 35-40 minutes to the west...AND SOUTH...saw accumulations. My brother texts me from 20 minutes's SNOWING! My friend from near the goddamn shore texts's SNOWING! BIG ASS FLAKES pouring down! Here...nothing. Zilch. Not a flurry, let alone a blanket of white with school closings. I'll be pissed about this for the next 50 years...about as often as these freakish October snow events happen. I'm so, so, so pissed off. I mean, if it WAS just flurries locally, it'd be big news. But we're talking a FOOT of snow in some parts of NW Jersey. OK, I can't stomach talking about this any longer. Maybe, to ease my anger, i'll look for a fossilized snowbank a few miles west of here this weekend to touch, climb, pose with. At least I experienced the cold...39 degrees at 2pm on October 28th! A rarity!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sleep/job/Dipshit update on last night's post

1) Yes, that's right, he has Tuesday night hockey games -- at least 30 minutes away -- that sometimes START at 11pm.

2) He played completely according to my script last night...arriving home at 1:30ish, lingering in the shower and/or kitchen till like 2:05am, totally aggravating an already tense sleeping situation.

3) I got absolutely ZERO sleep last night. Got into bed at 1:30am, out of it at 4:40am...closing my eyes, yes, but NEVER falling asleep. At least my eyes were closed and I was reclining.

4) I caught a, hmm, what's the proper way to say this...Latino Jitney...and was in the city before 5:40am. I'm elated to know for future possible reference that said Latino Jitneys ARE up-and-running at such an early hour; it had been another Mystery Variable.

5) EVERYTHING I've just complained about doesn't matter because today wound up being (assuming Stupid Fuckers don't fuck things up) my BIGGEST PAYDAY EVER!!! A very nice base salary, plus 4.5 hours of overtime equals more money than i've EVER made in 24 hours! AND I didn't even DO that much! AAAAAAAND I was shocked by an old fave chum's fellow appearance on the payroll! Then there's the usual fun TV perks like, well, a TV to watch and catered food to inhale. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. I've had a great day. I'm tired...big deal. And, while unseasonable, you can't beat this spectacular crisp autumn weather; I love walking through NYC on such days. October 22, 2008 was excellent.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyy, MOTHERFUCKERS!!

I mean that in the most affectionate way. Well, Jesus Christ Almighty, ANOTHER 2 weeks has slipped by sans blog entry. Surely no one's reading anymore and it's back to being my private vexing session.

Anyway, I just wanted to briefly vent about something I cryptically alluded to on that GLORIOUS site called FACEBOOK. I spoke of my best and worst luck often colliding violently. Naturally, this involves Dipshit, who, I must say, has been beyond astonishingly absent from my life this autumn season so far. In the 7 weekends since Labor Day, he's only been around ONE of them...and even that time, I barely saw him. And some of these have been EXTENDED weekends. The reason? Mainly the girlfriend and the Phillies. He looooooooooves both of them, and the fact that The Girlfriend lives IN Philly makes it all TOO perfect. You know what, though...i'm rambling...this is beside the point.

Long story short, I got a 6am job call time tomorrow. This means I have to be fucking up at like 4:45am the latest...which is a FUCKING nightmare in and of itself. *It's already 11:15pm now, for Christ's sake. SO...I got work...GREAT! But at 6am...which is SUPER DUPER rare. This is where Assfuck comes in. HE has one of his COMPLETELY FUCKING ASININE (and also kinda rare) 11pm hockey games least 30 minutes away. Translation...he'll be getting home about 1:15am if i'm lucky...likely later...and then tinkering in the fucking bathroom till likely after 2am. I'm a light sleeper. Put two and two together here. I can conceivably see myself getting an hour's actual sleep tonight. So most nights lately, he's either NOT EVEN HERE or in bed by midnight-ish. The ONE FUCKING NIGHT I need to be in bed early...he'll be up his latest. UN. FUCKING. BELIEVABLE.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Gone fishin'

Well, for about 5 minutes I threw the line out over and over to no avail. But my brother fished a lot...even caught 2 flounder or fluke...he's not sure which. Mainly, though, I walked, lounged and read on the beach on a brisk October day...and have the sunburn on my face and neck to prove it. I brought suntan lotion, too...used it too late. A nice, unexpected diversion today was.