Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyy, MOTHERFUCKERS!!

I mean that in the most affectionate way. Well, Jesus Christ Almighty, ANOTHER 2 weeks has slipped by sans blog entry. Surely no one's reading anymore and it's back to being my private vexing session.

Anyway, I just wanted to briefly vent about something I cryptically alluded to on that GLORIOUS site called FACEBOOK. I spoke of my best and worst luck often colliding violently. Naturally, this involves Dipshit, who, I must say, has been beyond astonishingly absent from my life this autumn season so far. In the 7 weekends since Labor Day, he's only been around ONE of them...and even that time, I barely saw him. And some of these have been EXTENDED weekends. The reason? Mainly the girlfriend and the Phillies. He looooooooooves both of them, and the fact that The Girlfriend lives IN Philly makes it all TOO perfect. You know what, though...i'm rambling...this is beside the point.

Long story short, I got a 6am job call time tomorrow. This means I have to be fucking up at like 4:45am the latest...which is a FUCKING nightmare in and of itself. *It's already 11:15pm now, for Christ's sake. SO...I got work...GREAT! But at 6am...which is SUPER DUPER rare. This is where Assfuck comes in. HE has one of his COMPLETELY FUCKING ASININE (and also kinda rare) 11pm hockey games tonight...at least 30 minutes away. Translation...he'll be getting home about 1:15am if i'm lucky...likely later...and then tinkering in the fucking bathroom till likely after 2am. I'm a light sleeper. Put two and two together here. I can conceivably see myself getting an hour's actual sleep tonight. So most nights lately, he's either NOT EVEN HERE or in bed by midnight-ish. The ONE FUCKING NIGHT I need to be in bed early...he'll be up his latest. UN. FUCKING. BELIEVABLE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They play starting @ 11pm? That IS crazy! - Lance

10:28 AM PDT  

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