Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Let my SECOND SUMMER begin!!

On a day when most seem to be depressed about "summer's end," I'm feeling absolutely fantastic, thank you! I've said this every year since school stopped being a factor in my life in either late August or early September...WHY are people so bizarrely fixated on Labor Day meaning The End of Summer?! It's as if they're physically unable to move themselves toward the ocean once the sun sets on Labor Day. Groupthink, stupidity, and marketing deciding how people spend their free time.

At the same time as I marvel, yet again, at most people's stupidity, I urge you to keep it up, lest you infringe on my ample personal space at various beaches and seaside attractions well into November, and ESPECIALLY throughout the FANTASTIC month of September! And then there's the small fact that everything is SO much cheaper now...hell, the beaches are FREE, and gone are the $10 cover charges for the privilege of being surrounded by screaming, no-class Staten Island whores (don't ask for an apology...i'm not Mayor Pringle) and no-neck, waxed guidos, among many immature, drunken, often stupid, and usually irritating others. And the ocean temp is the warmest it'll be all year long. And traffic's so much lighter. It's just SO across the board wonderful after Labor Day. I'd rather it be June, yes, but I deal with the cards I'm dealt.

And why ARE so many SO anxious to rush, rush, rush their fucking lives away? Most of you love the summer, I'd guess...YEARN for it...then write its obituary as fast as you can. Then you're anxious for Halloween; it won't be long before some unspeakably agitating fuck plasters a pumpkin on their window in the middle of September. Then Thanksgiving, then Christmas...then "when the hell's it gonna be spring?!"...then yearning for summer again. Never enjoying the moment. Repeating the same cycle year after year after year. Then, guess what? Soon you'll be dead. Hope the afterlife's worth the rush for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to stop typing and get out into the sun. Summertime fun beckons! See you in Sep, er, December!


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