Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ending May in Connecticut

I am EXHAUSTED right now after my first weekend "in the country" in more than 11 months. Oy. My point, really, is that i'm completely devoid of much electrifying humor or storytelling prowess at the moment. I merely wanted to note that Uncle Gary had a good time in Connecticut during the final 3 days of May. I even got to experience The Pampered Chef! And got $3 t-shirts from Old Navy! And further solidified my status as every child's dream uncle.

But May is over. And that always worries the same way that one starts to think of summer on March 1. Now I'M thinking ahead to "oh, God, only 3 months till September!?" Make sense? Gonna try not to dwell that way and really live it up this summer. It's hard to process it's June 1 tomorrow when it feels like late September outside...clear, windy, temps maybe as low as the high 40s tonight. Ugh. Today was glorious, though, generally...breakfast outside in sunny, breezy, low humidity conditions. PERFECT! Anyway, i'm unfocused and rambling. Gotta flip through my Pampered Chef catalog now....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Walking (and driving) through my past....

A good day. An odd day.

A day of beer and lunch at Garden State Plaza with a friend of more than a quarter-century that I rarely see anymore...and NEVER just the two of us. Super rarity.

A day of walking up to the porch where my grandmother used to live more than 20 years ago.

A day of seeing a bunny rabbit dart in front of me in a relatively urban setting.

A day of walking across my hometown at 7:30pm, when ANYone could be out and about, and random run-ins are high, to "drop off an envelope" at a pizza joint...and chatting with Aunt Rose for a bit.

A day of walking, driving, thinking.

Friday, May 01, 2009

No Mayday needed here!

Look at me being cute with words. First day of May...unreal. A third of the year down. I'm gonna look back at that third as my Gettin It Together BIGtime phase. Won't bore you with details. Time to blossom, though. Today was a great day...cloudy, occasionally rainy, and very humid for the first time this year. It FELT like May, right on it so often does. And it was a productive day. And i'm happy about that. Finishing up a glass of Blackstone wine now at 2am. Just read a fascinating story online about a 20-year-old whose body was finally found after 75 years in the Four Corners area. A kid wanderer & writer. He'd have been 95 now potentially. The fact that I know that area of the country certainly adds to its appeal, but i've always been struck by imagining the lives of people my age decades earlier...and how we're all just eventually blips on the radar. Uplifting, huh? Well, it can be if you extract lessons and apply them to your own life. There's definitely something sad about it all, though. I basically wanna do exactly what this 20-year-old kid was doing 75 years ago...explore the country and write about it. I'd like NOT to be clubbed by indians and left to die in a desert, though. Happy May!