Sunday, September 30, 2007
While pretty much enjoying a Sunday breakfast, I became irate (more in theory -- I mean, I didn't hurl my cup of tea against the wall, then overturn the kitchen table) upon reading about the Hoboken Historical Museum. It said "admission is free, but there's a $2 donation." Um, so it's a $2 FUCKING ADMISSION, THEN!! Merely another of life's infuriating little bullshit games. A donation is something NON-mandatory. Like at church...the 2 times a year I now go...if that. They take up collections. If I don't "donate," i'm not thrown out of the Lord's house. Same way ANYwhere else. You KNOW some type of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM-esque scene would ensue if I actually refused to donate my $2 upon entry. Who are they fucking kidding? Do people actually feel better doling over their money if it says DONATION vs. ADMISSION?!?! If so, they're as stupid as the wording itself...which, of course, wouldn't surprise me.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Letterman fucks with instant classic
God, I love this man. He just RELENTLESSLY dwelled on her jail time, clearly thinking she's the dumb no-talent whore that she is. She was clearly irritated. It was just FANTASTIC television. Try to find it on YouTube. Or, better yet, catch the repeat whenever it airs. An amusing, talented Emile Hirsch is the other guest. Repeats generally air within 6 weeks or so, tops. It was SO great.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
What if I write an anonymous email to the library asking that they all SHUT THE FUCK UP?
Do you think they'd actually self-assess their aggravating behavior? Or just take turns viewing the email while calling ME an asshole? Hmm. After a very large boulder...ok, rock...dislodged itself from the library's landscaping 2 winters ago and hurled itself through the iron fence behind me, strong enough to completely contort the fence, and missing me by 5 seconds...yes, I wrote an email then, too. No reply. I could've been killed...LOL? Yet these bastards couldn't even say I'M SORRY FOR YOUR SCARY CLOSE CALL??! Sonsofbitches.
In the library...naturally infuriated...
The front desk workers, all of them middle-aged adults, do NOT seem to grasp that they shouldn't be chit-chatting ENDLESSLY. I seriously wanna take a fucking bat to their skulls. And one of them would SEEM to be an old-school taskmaster...being she continually demands that any bag or backpack be held at the front desk, and also won't allow you to bring in bottled water. I had to hand over a half-full bottle the other day. I WANTED to throw it in her fucking face, then flee, but yet again, the ever-thinning line between fury and reason fell on the law-abiding side of things. Have I ever mentioned that literally NO ONE knows how to fucking conduct themselves properly in America? Ugh, my fucking computer cord issue remains the sole reason i'm stuck in this infuriating town library, surrounded by vexing commoners. Soon I will ride my bike to ShopRite...what do you think the chances are of getting through THAT experience sans heart palpatations?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I don't know that autumn has EVER dawned more summerlike...
Seriously, it's wonderful outside. OK, it's not 90 and humid. But there's not a cloud in the sky, it's blissfully dry and refreshing, and it's around 80 degrees. It's like, hmm, let's say Memorial Day weekend. Yes, it's like perfect late May weather. Last night, after mulling more highbrow, adventurous selections, I FINALLY saw Anheuser-Busch's Beach Bum Blonde Ale, their SUMMER BREW, which i've been looking for in a half-assed way all summer. What a PERFECT beverage to END official summer with, no? It's not the BEST beer i've ever had, but it was good...and equally important, it was symbolic. And i'm ALL about symbolism. In about a month, I'll sample their pumpkin spice autumn brew, as I LOVE anything pumpkin. In a few minutes, i'll go frolic in Liberty State Park for the first time ever. I ain't lettin' summer go!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The sun sets on Summer '07...
It's the last night of summer. After some surprise rain today, this evening is clear, calm, warm and humid. Very SUMMERY. May I and all reading this live to see Summer '08. Ha...hey, you never know. Can't take life for granted. Stumbled upon a memorial earlier today to a 24-year-old who died on a main street near my house...I presume in a car accident...surprised I've heard nothing about it. How bizarre, though, to be standing where someone died. Someone young. Depressing. Goodbye, than last year, but not great...but in some ways, very, very good. Overall, I enjoyed you. NOW i'll try to get to the beach often...
You GO, Dan Rather!
I don't have the time and patience to fully flesh out my feelings on this Dan Rather-CBS-George Bush controversy/lawsuit, but I WILL say i'm very glad Rather has brought about his suit. I've long been bothered by this whole thing. I think Dan WAS the scapeboat and got a raw deal...and YEARN for him to singlehandedly make the lives of Les Moonves, Sumner Redstone, and our dear President Bush a fucking nightmare...along with every other person in the Bush administration and CBS who has manipulated facts and applied corporate political pressure on journalists. PLEASE let this erupt into an ugly, messy national soap opera that completely vindicates Dan!!
Stepped on the sand HOBOKEN!
Tooled around the NEWEST waterfront park this afternoon...which includes a BEACH! Now this beach has been there for YEARS...they opened it for a weekend in the summer of '03, but it's been hidden for decades by its being on the property of the Maxwell House plant. Now the plant's gone and the beach is open to the public...pretty damn interesting, I think. Too bad no one had the brains to develop the NJ Hudson River waterfront, oh, 25 years ago. Better late than never.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Due date: SEPTEMBER 16, 1997
I'll finally return my hometown library's copy of INTO THIN AIR this weekend. Assuming they still have an "anonymous bin" to dump overdue books into. A DECADE overdue. Damn. JUST in case they try to track down who I am, i'll be disposing of the due date card...the less evidence, the better. Funniest thing is...I've still yet to read the book. But last night, I realized I had a paperback copy, too, so I decided this would be a nice time to do some further personal streamlining. Oh, yeah, and also do the right thing by returning the book. Mind you, I still have FOUR other town library back even 1993. I'm stunned I've gotten away with this for so long. Someone there clearly isn't doing their job. I also find it amusing I was reading a 1960s-written PRESIDENTS AND THEIR WIVES at age 20 for summer beach leisure. My friends mocked me for that. Hey, I DID balance it out with my John Grisham and Entertainment Weekly. What can I say...i'm an intellectual, insatiably curious genius...right?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Where am I?
Oh, such a broad question. Literally, i'm in the town library...a place I swore I'd never enter again once I got my laptop. Alas, this fucking broken power cord continues to leave me internet-free at home, so i'm reduced to utilizing a town computer. BTW, I noticed yesterday that K-Mart offers free internet access, devoid of any catches. Just walk in, sit down, and surf the net! Well, God bless them. Anyway, today's like the first day in more than 3 weeks that I haven't had a crammed agenda of some sort. More to the point, i've had NOWHERE to run around to. This day's been all about ME. Me resting and catching up and taking it easy. I HAVE to take it easy with this FUCKING hernia. Heavy sigh. Do you have any idea what it's like for ME to take it easy? Meaning I have to watch every damn move I make, careful not to strain myself. I even crouch to the floor when I sneeze to avoid hurling my abdomen violently back and forth. And's kind of nice and calming. Another challenge, too. I like challenges. Where I am, though, in a lot of the preverbial crossroads. This is generally good. I'm liking it. A lot up in the air, though. Do any of you really care? I'm just rambling because I haven't written much lately. Oh, how about OJ Simpson? I love it, though I don't know that I can endure another round of wall-to-wall media coverage. Can't someone JUST kill him already? Dear Lord, I've just endorsed murder! Eh, oh, well...
Monday, September 17, 2007
I need a new FUCKING cord!
You know how Susie Essman used the word FUCK last night on CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM? That's how I felt this afternoon...hmm, but i'm getting off-topic...THAT issue was over lawn mowers. My title refers to my computer...which is fine, as is my internet connection. What I NEED is a fucking cord to turn the motherfucker ON. It got crushed last week in a typically pointless manner, and now i'm sans computer access at home again as I hunt in vain for this fucking piece of shit archaic power cord, which I don't believe exists anymore. So what the FUCK am I supposed to do? And why does DELL not have a FUCKING store to sell parts? Why does EVERYTHING have to be a GODDAMN FUCKING problem?! It's not like my laptop's from's from like '98 or '99. Ugh. I'm SO bloody fucking frustrated. I NEED a computer at home...NOW!! I have things like "HOW LONG CAN A MAN WALK AROUND WITH A FUCKING HERNIA?" to google. And don't even start me on the lawn mowers...which I shouldn't even have been NEAR with a HERNIA. Did I mention I have a fucking hernia? FUCK THIS!! In better news, i'm currently loaded with more cash than i've had in ages and being verrrrrry prudent about what to do with it. Won't matter much if my hernia becomes strangulated and I drop dead within 6 hours...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I was "SO POPULAR" in college
A college acquaintance just emailed those words to me. Too funny. Too surreal. I'll never get used to it. Ever. Really. I really don't think ANYone grasps how wildly UNpopular I was before college. Painfully so. Like to the point where I understand where the Columbine killers were coming their rage originated before they went off the deep end. How's THAT to make it clear? And yet I became SO POPULAR. Absolutely amazing. Still.
Let me be VERY clear on this Brit shit
The performance was, um, NOT great...I know this. Was that not clear? I'm just saying it's not the WORST thing I've EVER seen, and was actually more watchable than many. The song itself is damn catchy. And I'll say it again...she LOOKED fine to ME. MORE to the point, though...and I can't believe the Fox News Channel is the catalyst for this posting, but what Dennis Miller said is true, if harsh -- Britney seems POSSIBLY close to being someone who'd attempt suicide, and does she REALLY need everyone on earth saying that's she's a worthless, talent-free mess? And does everyone want to CONTRIBUTE to possibly ending a life? I hope she's far more strong than anyone gives her credit for, but you can't second-guess such things AFTER someone's dead. She DOES have talent, she DOES seem to be a good person at heart. Just seems to me that people don't THINK about how THEIR words and actions can negatively impact someone whose emotional state is already fragile. On HER part, she should just disappear already...move to Iowa for a bit. Clear her head. Get AWAY from the madness.
I just have a lot of issues with the overall state of the media and celebrity...and, of course, the ever-dumber general public. Everything is SO out of hand. I really don't know why I continue to write so much about this...especially as i'm SURE Britney's career ain't dead. And I know of what I speak. I'm smart, recall. And I have the rare ability to see through the NOISE of bullshit. Anyone recall some OTHER superfamous blonde whose career obituary was written more times than I can count? Now Madonna and Britney ARE apples and oranges in many, many ways; there really ISN'T that much similar about them, despite the usual media-hyped moronic non-truths that the aforementioned idiot public buys into. But they both have that elusive IT factor. Britney ain't going away. Most of these bashing "pundits" have far less talent and are FAR less interesting...and when the smoke clears, many of THEIR careers will be over, while Britney's sails on. Mark my words. You listening, Ashanti?
I just have a lot of issues with the overall state of the media and celebrity...and, of course, the ever-dumber general public. Everything is SO out of hand. I really don't know why I continue to write so much about this...especially as i'm SURE Britney's career ain't dead. And I know of what I speak. I'm smart, recall. And I have the rare ability to see through the NOISE of bullshit. Anyone recall some OTHER superfamous blonde whose career obituary was written more times than I can count? Now Madonna and Britney ARE apples and oranges in many, many ways; there really ISN'T that much similar about them, despite the usual media-hyped moronic non-truths that the aforementioned idiot public buys into. But they both have that elusive IT factor. Britney ain't going away. Most of these bashing "pundits" have far less talent and are FAR less interesting...and when the smoke clears, many of THEIR careers will be over, while Britney's sails on. Mark my words. You listening, Ashanti?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Driving toward The Lights at 1:30am
Six years since That Day. What could I possibly write, I wondered, that was different and not trite? Well, when I watched reporters on the late news standing in Jersey City across from the Tribute in Lights, it dawned on me that i'd never gone so close to see them. And so, after a trip to ShopRite at 1am to fetch on-sale Pepperidge Farm milano cookies, I DID something different this year -- I rolled the windows down and sped toward the beams in the sky. The air was refreshing...kind of like 9/10/01, actually, post-monsoon rains. At 1:30am, there's not much traffic. And once in Jersey City, I quickly navigated my way through Hamilton Park and the waterfront district, and was stunned at how easily I found parking...RIGHT by the water. Since it was so late, people there to gaze and/or take pictures were parking in restricted areas with no problem. That's right...I certainly wasn't the only one there. I WAS the only one with a Fuji disposable camera; everyone else had TRIPODS set up. "Everyone else" was actually about a total of 15 people. Some solo, some boyfriend-girlfriend duos, and a smattering of buddies. Right before I left, 2 young guys took it upon themselves to re-light the impressive arrangement of candles set up right near the water's edge -- good for them, I thought, even though I've never quite grasped WHO is bringing candles to public memorials. Regardless, it was a nice gesture. There were other candle areas, too, and a few fresh flowers strewn about. And a card...from "Rudy and Melissa" to "everyone who lost someone." A young guy was strumming his guitar on a bench. A homeless guy wandered about. Mostly, though, there were photographers with tripods. And me. There was a general hushed reverence, although one bitch -- naturally, and I wanted SO badly to get through this blog sans profanity, but it's JUST not possible with the stupidity of the masses -- was literally screaming and laughing on occasion as she frolicked with her beau. Screaming and laughing. At 2am. At a memorial on Sept. 11th. Disgraceful. So I stayed like an hour. Walked a bit down the waterfront. Took about 4 pics. KEPT trying to recall how the towers were positioned -- and how tall they were. I'd look away, then jerk my head toward the skyline, trying to remember. I also noticed how the lights are NOT where the towers once stood, but further south by several blocks. Took me 10 minutes or so to grasp that fact. It was all beautiful and reflective, screaming bitch aside. The beams go SO high into the heavens...I can see them from here, miles away. Up close, though, from directly across the Hudson, something special to behold. So that's how I reflected on that awful day 6 years ago. Time flies. Still doesn't seem real. We're all still ALIVE.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Jesus, would everyone get off Britney's ass!
And today proves why I like to come to my own conclusions without the NOISE of others. My GOD, the NEGATIVITY toward Britney today! I stand by my original review. Can you imagine how this woman feels? EVERYONE saying she SUCKED...she BLEW IT...she's FAT. Seriously, just try to fathom that for a minute...the vicious personal attacks. I feel awful for her. She is NOT fat. And the song does NOT suck. I am MYSTIFIED over the level of insults being thrown her way. Yeah, it wasn't a terribly great performance. But she didn't fall, break into tears, or run off the stage. She got through it. And i'm not gonna add to the piling on of stone throwing. And i'm sure Sarah Silverman's comments helped. I just don't understand people...often. Leave the poor girl alone. There are FAR more deserving targets of public rage than a basically sweet, talented woman going through a lot of personal problems who didn't give the best performance of her life...and whose EVERY move is disected by the media. I give her credit for even going on that stage.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Brit's GIMME MORE VMA performance
My instant review, uninfluenced by any others. POSITIVES: The song was pretty damn good in a dance music kinda way & she looked pretty damn good. NEGATIVES: She seemed to be sleepwalking through the dance moves & WHAT'S with the fucking lip syncing??!!?!
So I think the song is genuinely catchy and of-the-moment. I can hear it being played in heavy rotation. It does NOT suck. She looked hot, if not AS hot as in the past. But still pretty hot. The choreography and overall SPECTACLE was certainly adequate, but lacked any big HOLY SHIT! moments. Wasn't there supposed to be magic involved? Last but good GOD, not least...ENOUGH already with the lip syncing!! It's bad enough she STILL does it, but this time was perhaps the MOST obvious example of it. She barely seemed interested in opening her mouth to even FAKE it. Oy, vey. People are clearly rooting for her...though i'm not entirely sure why. And I include myself in that category. But she's OHSOVERYCLOSE to losing my respect. FUCKING SING FOR REAL, BITCH! PROVE that you can actually sing! Though she HAS coasted along for almost NINE years now with this routine. But if you forget about the lip syncing and by-the-book dancing and JUST hear this on the radio? Brit's got a HIT.
So I think the song is genuinely catchy and of-the-moment. I can hear it being played in heavy rotation. It does NOT suck. She looked hot, if not AS hot as in the past. But still pretty hot. The choreography and overall SPECTACLE was certainly adequate, but lacked any big HOLY SHIT! moments. Wasn't there supposed to be magic involved? Last but good GOD, not least...ENOUGH already with the lip syncing!! It's bad enough she STILL does it, but this time was perhaps the MOST obvious example of it. She barely seemed interested in opening her mouth to even FAKE it. Oy, vey. People are clearly rooting for her...though i'm not entirely sure why. And I include myself in that category. But she's OHSOVERYCLOSE to losing my respect. FUCKING SING FOR REAL, BITCH! PROVE that you can actually sing! Though she HAS coasted along for almost NINE years now with this routine. But if you forget about the lip syncing and by-the-book dancing and JUST hear this on the radio? Brit's got a HIT.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
The Ocean
Spent a whirlwind 20 hours at the shore. Old haunts. New storylines. But the sea still churns. And at 3am, I found myself wondering if staring out at the ocean is such a good thing. It's very lonely at such an hour. Very isolating. At once it's great and terrifying. I LOVE the beach and ocean...but depending on the hour and circumstance, some moments are more joyous than others. It's just so BLACK and huge. And the mind wanders, which is what crashing waves are meant to stimulate. But maybe the sound from inside is better than being the only human in sight on a pitch black beach. It's kinda depressing. And even scary. What if some lunatic were out there? Me and the lunatic meeting at 3am on a darkened beach post-Labor Day. Shudder. And yet I lingered long. Staring out at the black sea and up at the sparkling clear sky, bursting with twinkling stars. Wondering what was happening on those boats whose white lights I could see WAY out in the ocean. Couldn't fathom being so far out that late on a small boat. The air was very windy but very humid. Warm as soon as you got off the beach. More like early August. A wonderful September night...summer lived on. But the ocean, and the island itself...something sad. We're all so small in the grand scheme of things, and it all goes so fast. Same thing today with our surprise trip to my childhood haunts. Great, yet depressing. Wasn't I just 14? And wasn't this an uplifting entry? You'd never know I had a fantastic time. And no matter what I ever say, I DO so love the ocean and everything about beachy scenes. Maybe I shouldn't have written this; i'm very tired and not my sharpest. Oh, a final funny note -- I've only stayed in oceanfront houses twice in my life. Hotels, sure, many times...but houses are different. Last night was the second time. And the first time was exactly 10 years ago this week. YET again in my life...unplanned symmetry. May God bless Walhalla's Finest, The Hungarian, and The Appalachian Preacher.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
RADIO NOWHERE is the new single. Heard it online 2 days ago, and on the radio tonight for the first time as I sped north on 1&9 in Jersey City, infuriated by a slow moving garbage truck in the left lane. Bruce made me happy, though. Windows down, warm Sept night, Bruce blaring. This is a GREAT single. It SHOULD be a big hit. Let's see if it is. Fuck that he's 57...who cares. PUT BRUCE ON THE RADIO! A few minutes later, I was totally rockin out to SWEET CHILD O'MINE, gyrating like Axel does in the video as I SCREAMED variations of the word FUCK with an open window at 2 cars in front of me at a green light LITERALLY not moving. Just, like, NOT moving. The entire street (my own) probably heard me. I'm ever closer to losing it. ABSOLUTELY ZERO PATIENCE. NONE. AND NO APOLOGIES FOR IT. EVER. I've been reflecting on something interesting the past few days -- during 6 intense days of working at LEAST 12 hours, sure, I was exhausted...but I was kinda zen-like and rarely stressed. Hmm.