JUST the other day, I was pondering Dipshit's relationship with his Philly chick. Thinking to myself, hmmm, this is at least 9 months old now...every weekend with her...could this POSSIBLY mean she's The One? Flash forward to another one of his illuminating phonecalls tonight. Seems one of his buds suddenly got engaged, and he called to congratulate. During said call, The Words were spoken. Predictably "wise" words about "getting to a certain age" and needing to "make a decision about things" and how (to my surprise) they've ACTUALLY been together almost 11 months. Words were ALSO spoken about 1) shore house people who annoyed him because they never cleaned up and 2) not wanting to call his engaged friend while on the train last night 'cause he didn't wanna disturb his fellow passengers. I give him credit (!) for the last bit, and yet found these 2 "concerns" astonishingly ironic & hypocritical, but I digress from the main topic of GETTING HIM THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.
So I don't wanna waste too much time blogging about this. It IS 2:08am. But it HAD to be noted. Hmm, could he make a decision on this by Christmas and propose by New Year's at the latest? Then move out by March at the latest? Is this possible????????? Am I getting ahead of myself???
There's a sidebar rolling-of-the-eyes rant here about his never living alone, never buying or even renting his own place, morphing from his relatively shithole railroad, TOTALLY non-decorated shared apartment to living with His One until death do them part, she basically taking over ANY kind of domestic chore that Normal Functioning Adults do (dusting, taking out recyclables, knowing "washed" dishes don't have food remnants on them, vacuuming, cleaning pieces of shit off the toilet seat...just examples) from ME. A totally smooth transition from one babysitter to the next for Dipshit. I will NEVER get people, ESPECIALLY males (no sexism meant), who don't wanna live at least a part of their lives ALONE. Their OWN place. Their OWN time. Their OWN furnishings. Their OWN schedule. Their OWN favorite dish detergents and not that dull, cliche orange Dial shit Dipshit gets and i'm supposed to not care as my vastly more interesting cucumber melon kind sits unused beneath the sink. Their own LIFE. Yeah, so there's a sidebar rant about all THAT...but, hey, maybe they'll break up and this whole blog is for naught. And we'll grow into our 40s together.
Then there's the OTHER sidebar about how I certainly wish my living arrangement happiness didn't come by default. How I wish I were more in control of my life and not letting Dipshit's Big Life Decisions determine MINE. At the same time, though, i've been here so long -- SO long -- that I WOULD like to experience living here ALONE even for just a few months. My point being if I got a million-dollar job tomorrow, I'd still want HIM to move out FIRST. For better or worse, this apartment means something to me, and i'm kinda sentimental AND competitive about it. I wanna be the last one standing here, NOT Dipshit. I don't WANT him to ever live alone, haha, despite what I just said earlier. Maybe HE'S been hoping I'D leave all this time? Fuck him. I'll win in a Game of Stubborn EVERY time.
Coincidentally, I drove out to see my landlord today and pay the rent. Had a lovely conversation and got numerous baked goods for the road. And as I left, she asked about Dipshit...and I said he had this chick and was barely around...and she said to tell him "he can't get married," a little joke alluding to the fact that she didn't wanna lose his rent...and mine? I chuckled and moved steadily toward the car. How odd/funny is that, though, that she said that...hours before I heard him broach the topic himself for the first time. And, of course, again, mere days after my OWN always perceptive mind reading of the issue. Oh, funny life.