Monday, July 24, 2006

It's a feel-good Monday!

I'm in an incredibly stress-free, laid-back, "chill" mood...which resulted in wild, unpressured productivity today. After weeks of either being angry, on the verge of a breakdown, or away at my "summer house," today represented (yet another) Fresh Start. And I felt it and I ran with it. And it wasn't the day I thought it'd be, but I very quickly refocused my energies once I realized that. I'm trying to consciously NOT flip out over every single problem...or dwell on Big Life Thoughts that serve no purpose to focus on. In other words, i'm desperately trying to be POSITIVE and to re-establish my "cross that bridge when you come to it" mantra. I think when you DON'T think too much...more things can get done. More psychobabble. Just trying to explain in my 3am weird way how I've been so productive on a day where my mindset was that of a Huntington Beach, CA stoner surfer. July 24th...the middle of summer...I continue to feel the tide sloooooowly but surely turning my way. Are you bored yet, dear reader? I'm so zen today I don't even feel the need to tell ANYONE to go fuck themselves. Talk about an inner peace treat! God, i'm covered in bug bites and scratches. OK, time to end this rather boring entry and go read.


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