Saturday, July 22, 2006

MADONNA'S AIRPLAY...can you dumb fuck program directors and equally insipid public get on the fucking ball?!

There's an article in the latest BILLBOARD about the extremely curious disconnect between Madonna's awesomely successful, sold-out CONFESSIONS TOUR (which will air on NBC in November!!!) and radio airplay for her CONFESSIONS ON A DANCEFLOOR album. Um, I've been wondering this for months, but better late than never for someone in the media to finally, er, cause a commotion and catch up to my thinking. There was a time not that long ago when you'd be looked at like you lived on Saturn if you didn't know the name of Madonna's latest single. But, go ahead, can you name it? Likely not. It's called GET TOGETHER. And it hasn't even hit the Hot 100. Still could, but likely won't. It follows SORRY, which at least HIT the Hot 100...too bad it stalled at #58. Most surely know first single HUNG UP, which actually made it to #7...though that was largely due to sales and not airplay. What the fuck is going on? The argument (one of many, actually) with the unfairly-maligned AMERICAN LIFE was that it wasn't a radio-friendly album. There's a lot of bullshit in that argument, but i'll allow it the slightest bit of credence. And so when CONFESSIONS came out, every single review noted how dance-pop accessible it did many in radio. All the idiots in radio. Well, here we are, eight months after its release, and radio has ignored this album, too. The idiots in radio will say their "research" shows people just aren't that interested, that "the kids" want more cutting edge music, that hip-hop rhythms rule radio these days. Bullshit, all of it...even though there surely ARE some "kids" who think Rihanna and The Pussycat Dolls are putting out better singles than Madonna is. These "kids" are idiot assholes with no taste. Period. As are the radio program directors who think they're so hip and smart and play the same fucking 10 songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over all day, every day. And I'll tell you, New York City is like the WORST for this. You hear more diversity in Bumblefuck, VA. This isn't the rant of someone who can't accept change or face the truth of an artist past their peak. I love Madonna, always have...but I'd admit it if her music blew. But it doesn't. It's as listenable as ever. And it absolutely should be alongside all the other (often inferior) songs you hear 20 times a day. Can a program director at Z100 or WKTU or WPLJ please get their head out of their ass and play GET TOGETHER? Or, at the very least, play JUMP, her soon-to-be 4th, and likely final, CONFESSIONS single? So i'm here today to do my small part in correcting this national insanity. There's even hints in the article that Madonna's been somehow banned from airwaves...that there's some conspiracy. It REALLY makes no sense. It's a platinum, #1 album from the woman whose current tour may wind up being the most successful ever by a female. And it's MADONNA...the most successful female singer EVER. Wise up, program directors!


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