Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is there ANYthing more grand than sitting 2:30am?

I just posed that question to myself...and Spike the I sat on the back porch in my flip-flops, wife beater, comfy shorts and now-trademark askew "because i'm JUST that cool" hat. It's just midsummer, balmy perfection outside...and tomorrow night will be even better, after our predicted high around THE CENTURY MARK! I am PRAYING it hits 100 degrees. I do so love weather extremes...even though I'd be bitching and moaning sans-AC if I wasn't at my "summer house" this week. Talk about excellent timing! It is indeed supposed to hit at least 100...which would be the first time in 4 or 5 years. It's 5 years for Central Park, but i'm not sure about Newark. Absolutely no one reading this gives a flying fuck about where and when it last hit 100 degrees. But it's my blog, so fuck off. I do recall that historic Summer of '01...feeling like I was gonna faint in my apartment when it hit like 106. Yes, 106. But again, that was in Newark, not Central Park. Actually, I think Newark has hit 107 within the past decade...the all-time high. But Central Park has yet to shatter its all-time high of 106, set in 1936, I believe. I YEARN yearly for this record to crumble. Is it wrong to hope for another blackout, too? Gosh, the one in August '03 was so much fun! But i'm really getting off point here. ALL I wanted to say was how much I treasure sitting outside in the fresh air in the quiet still of a suburban yard in the middle of the night. More people should do it. GO! GO out to your yards, or stoops, or roofs in the dead of night! And just SIT. Bring a beverage. Do NOT bring your cellphone. Reading material is optional. Sometimes it's just nice to sit and stare. A dog by your side is a lovely addition. Just stare at the moon, stars, greenery of the yard. Or at the plane flying overhead...wonder who's on that plane and where it's going. Just sit there. Because it's summer. And you don't need a jacket. There's zero planning involved in walking outside in the summer. You just go as you are. It's summer, and everything is different.


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