Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's OK to chill out for a day, right?

Because I didn't do jackshit today. The Mexicans woke me up YET again...about 4 hours after I went to bed. And it was hot and humid all day long in the apartment. Heat makes you more tired. I'm just tired, period. I'm even gonna go to bed in the 2am hour...early! The landlords are gone!! On vacation, that is. I'm gonna end the day by sitting on their bench on the porch...I usually just sit on the steps so I don't pass by their window in the wee hours. But they're gone, so Gary's LIVIN' IT UP tonight by sittin on the bench, under the hazy, orange glow of that full moon! So I just totally zoned out today...didn't plan on it, but it happened. And i'm fine with it. I DID work out a little. It was mainly Internet Day, though. Fine. Who cares. I'm tired of constantly stressing every day. I didn't at ALL today.


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