Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Shocker...my mood soured

Merely pulling up to my parents' house, I got surly. Being it's not JUST them bothering me, I struggled not to take it out on them. So I barely spoke for almost 3 hours. Short, vaguely testy answers. I just didn't even wanna be there. I became exhausted for some reason, and dragged the plush chaise longue from the cellar to the yard for a twilight semi-nap. This WAS incredible...until my hometown yet again fucked me in the ass -- soon I heard sirens, VERY close. Laying there, I quickly determined that there was drama yet again out front on my street. Sure enough, mom soon comes to the yard to tell me there's a fire. Great. I don't move...only pray that a certain house across the street full of the biggest trash ever to reside on my formerly bucolic dead-end street is burning to the ground. Sadly, no such luck. Once I start prepping to leave and finally check out the drama, I roll my eyes at the fact that a shitload of neighbors have somehow congregated in front of MY house, anchored by my parents. Translation...I'm trapped in the house, because I have no desire to either waste time bullshitting or suffer through forced banter. Seems some jackass left a towel over an oil lamp or something, resulting in a small but smoky fire. Thank you, jackass. Because of Jackass, I was about 30 minutes behind schedule, waiting for the neighbors to clear. THUS...I emerged from the Hoboken PATH exactly at 10pm...just as the Macy's fireworks I'd planned on enjoying ended. And my horseshit 8 days continues. I'm not this HUGE fireworks fan, but I just wanted to sit back, chill out, and enjoy the view from the Hudson River. But no. Not to be. However, I DID take immense pleasure in speeding by on by bike past the ungodly bumper-to-bumper traffic clogging Hoboken. Are people really so stupid and desperate to view fireworks that they'll clog an already clogged city with hundreds of extra cars? Yes, they are. "HA, HA!" filled my head as I raced down the middle of streets while they literally sat there not moving. Insanity...but fun to watch and criticize. But then the BEST part of my night...new constuction of the extended waterfront walkway at the northern end of town resulted in me sitting there on a bench, basically unbothered by humans, looking at the city, listening to waves lap, and drinking a Yeungling I took from daddy. Instantly my new fave spot to sit and dwell. It's so deserted, I could sit there nude while chugging from 5 open bottles and go undetected. Hmm, there's a plan! So now it's nearing 2am, i'm back to being alone in the silence of the late night, and I'm pretty chilled out again. But the anger and restlessness and impatience remains pretty close to the surface. At least this fucking weekend is FINALLY over. I look forward to the semi-regularity of tomorrow. See, I still have hope...I can't be THAT depressed. I still have hope that this summer will turn around PRONTO. Or, um, as soon as possible. God, this breeze feels great! The heart of summer begins now...


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