Sunday, July 02, 2006

My RAGE, unbelievably, only grows

At this point, anyone reading this surely thinks something's wrong me, I have issues, and that i'm a twit, bitching nonstop about endless things. Well, I dare anyone...ANYONE...a 3rd time, ANYONE...not to want to smash things to bloody pieces after enduring, oh, for about the last hour nonstop now, a high-pitched BEEP, BEEP, BEEP that is absolutely maddening. And do you know where it's coming from? Well, after about a half hour of seething with anger, I went out to investigate. Some very odd sounding car alarm, I thought. But no. It's what I can only assume is a FIRE an empty house...RIGHT NEXT DOOR. And not JUST right next door...but on the 3rd FLOOR of right next door...with an OPEN WINDOW...DIRECTLY adjacent to where I sit writing this. Is this HONESTLY fucking happening? What FUCKING ELSE can go wrong this week of my life? No joke, I almost feel like crying. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. What the fuck can I do? Do I call the cops? Can they break into a house to turn off a fire alarm? And what if there actually IS a fire...dare I add "lol"? This is just UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. Oh, and don't let me forget this aspect of my NO ONE else in the neighboring houses being pushed to madness by this sound? I see no cops apparently, i'm the sole "unhinged" one driven mad by this sound. **BREAKING NEWS**'s just past midnight now. JUST 5 minutes or so ago, a cop car pulled up. Now, of course, in typical overblown fashion, there's THREE. So someone else IS infuriated by the noise. And now i'll have to endure both the BEEP, BEEP, BEEP and the rescue effort. Should be interesting...not to mention unspeakably irritating. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. **FURTHER BREAKING NEWS**...GARY HELPS IN POLICE INVESTIGATION. A cop knocked on my apt. door..."do I hear the beep?" Um, YES, dipshit, I felt like saying. I actually said, while rolling my eyes, "yeah, for like TWO HOURS." I explained I thought it the apt adjacent to mine..."come in, let me show you" helpful, I was!! He leans out window, whips out a! SOMEHOW the culprit is on the ROOF of the front porch. And you know what THIS morphs into very nicely, don't you? That it's THE FUCKING DUMBASS MEXICANS WHO DID THIS!!!!!!! The ones who woke me up both Friday and Saturday have now severely marred my Sunday night with their fucking carelessness. Motherfuckers. I'd fucking steal their mule if I could. Teach them a lesson. One more time...fuck EVERYONE!


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