Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm getting angrier by the day. At everyone and everything. I was angry tonight at my parents like I used to be angry at them in high school. It's so stupid...yet not. My reasons are totally valid. I remain expertly skilled at using razor sharp sarcasm, curt replies, and stony silence to get my point across. At the terrible risk of sounding like a petulant brat (at 33), I pride myself on FINISHING the argument, on creating and/or prolonging awkward tension. Especially as i'm always right. No, really, I am. It's my problem in life...being surrounded by fucking loons. I don't enjoy being angry. I'm NOT by nature an angry person. But I don't like being insulted. And I don't like being fucked with. And I don't like being treated like a fucking child. And the fact that the guilty party may be my parents doesn't mean they get a free pass. Seven hours later, i'm still brimming with rage. Brimming is a good adjective, because my rage is in check. I'll let it out in short, controlled bursts of stinging wordplay in the coming days and weeks. Yet again, an already bad week was made worse by a trip to the parents' house. How i'm not a crack addict or devoid of self-esteem is fucking beyond me. It's sad when you're never good enough...yet YOU know you are. I don't know that I've ever cared less about anyone else's problems. I care about mine...period. And I have mountains of them. Note to self...move across the country and fuck everyone. And get a tattoo...right upper arm.


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