Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bullshit, a beer, 2 hours...$85

Gotta love those focus groups. For 2 hours of my time tonight, I got $85 for bullshitting about beer. BEER! And, yes, I got to DRINK beer, too! That was a first. Heineken Premium Light. It's good...which i'm shocked by, because I don't really like regular Heineken. And I hate Rolling Rock. What's with beer in green bottles being shitty? This new beer went down smooooooooth, though. TWO hours of studying print ads and a TV ad, putting bottles of beer into categories like some "get to know you" game at camp, discussing what "kind of person" this new Heineken Light would be. Getting the picture? Bullshit. All while God knows how many people stared at us from behind a one-way mirror. It was just 6 of us, like the smallest group i've ever been in. God, i'm SO happy I got a free beer! I also got a free sandwich and lemonade. And a lovely walk through midtown on a lovely EARLY summer evening. Made my hellish trip there worth on bike down to the Path in a sorta-lull of a 2-hour monsoon thunderstorm. Ugh. AFTER my kitchen floor flooded because I neglected to close the window. NOT a good period of time. I was soaked by the time I got on the train. I REALLY needed that beer. All that bad stuff is forgotten now, though. Ultimately, a good night.


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