New headphones!
So amusing what makes me SO happy..."the little things." Well, I finally have a way again to listen to my stacks of CDs...bought new Sony EARplugs tonight from Walmart that i'd eyed on Sunday...about $10. This is my first foray into Ipod-esque earplugs, though these have a clip onto the ear. But no agitating, hair-messing headband anymore! SO fucking fantastic! I can't wait to waltz around town wearing my hip new gear. I also can't wait for creativity to flow over me as I listen to all this music. I was already feeling EXTRA cocky tonight. Yes, I AM easily amused and THINGS. Not people. Anyway, it's past 3am and i'm fucking exhausted yet again. I will play the O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? soundtrack on my EARPLUGS as I drift into sleep. I just ran around lookin for a NY Daily News so I could read their Bruce review, and was pleasantly stunned to get it for FREE! Sure, the front page is ripped off, but who cares. Ah, another financial trick! And my good luck just continues this week! OK, the couch is calling me...
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