Sunday, June 18, 2006

Parading through the new Walmart...and later reclining on a chaise longue till 9:10pm!

This whole damn day has really been great. After my wilderness excursion in the meadows, I made my way to the new Walmart nearby, accessing it via the new road extension. Holy excitement! I somehow wandered through Walmart at a leisurely pace, with barely a profanity uttered in my head. I was stunned at how cheap film was, along with most of the electronics. I really don't care about their slave wages and censored music...if I can get stuff I want CHEAP, i'll be there OFTEN. I'm not one for moral stances against retailers. I'm one for going wherever I can get the best deal. Yeah, I won't buy my CDs there. I want the filthy versions, thank you. But film? Hell, yeah! Fast forward past handing dad his Father's Day card, enjoying a wonderful dinner, gathering my Sunday papers, and doing some brief me collapsing with glee onto the SUPER comfy and PUFFY flower-powered lounge chair in the yard, ideally situated right under the cherry tree. I am TELLING you, it was heaven on earth. There was an incredible evening breeze, the surrounding yards were actually devoid of annoying children, and night was coming...slowly. I was out there just about an hour...till 9:10pm...and it was still kinda light. I coulda slept there. It was the most absolutely perfect way to cap off the most absolutely zen, solitary week...before my bike ride home...on which I treated myself to a Ben & Jerry's shake. Now I think this was my virgin experience in a B&J store. I only went 'cause I had a coupon for a shake, lol. So I was TOTALLY confused by the overwhelming menu. Kept telling people to go ahead of me. And then, when i'm FINALLY ready to order...the kind I want is only available in large. Fuck that. So out of line I go again. But not before asking "um, can I have a shake in ANY flavor?," complete with a waving of the hand to signify the entire display case. The teen behind the counter was clearly agitated with my stupidity. I was truly like a fucking retard at a left-turn only signal. I'm only used to neapolitan flavored shakes. I got strawberry shortcake. It was tasty, but overpriced...even with the coupon. It's 1:14am now...and JUST when I thought this day couldn't get better...Dipshit still ain't home from his business trip/shore house combo time away. I'm ALMOST sure he won't be back till tomorrow now. Good LORD, thank you!!!!! As I watch LA-set ENTOURAGE...oh, and The Star-Ledger's travel section had an LA cover story. FUCKING GET ME THERE!!!!!


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