Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I found a dollar!!

Riot. It's all a riot. It's 2:43am...and I JUST left the house for the first time all take the garbage out, get the mail, confirm the new Prudential Realty sign I saw in the realtor's hands about noon had been placed up, to ponder on the front steps, and to take a short walk around the block. On the walk, in the dead of night, amongst leaves and other things, pressed against a garden wall of someone's house on the sidewalk...I spied a bill! ONLY I would've seen it. I'm tellin you, I have a SICK knack for finding money on the street...though it's been a while for bills...which i'd JUST been complaining myself. Now it was only a single dollar bill...but that's something, lol! And I'm gonna consider it good luck...and the perfect icing on my 2nd wildly productive yet mind-numbingly dull day in a row. A day of minor, yet delightful surprises it's been. And FLAG DAY, don't forget. And I found a dollar! I also didn't have a single interaction with another human today...always a plus. Well, one phonecall with my high school alumni directory-maker, but nothing in-person. Damn, that's great. Just cocooned in my apt, GETTIN shit DONE! ALONE!! Ahhhhhh...


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