Saturday, June 10, 2006

Did we skip to September?

It's 4:11am, MURPHY BROWN is on my TV, and I just got back from a bike ride, lol. Now I wouldn't have gone for a ride if I didn't need to bring my bike up from the front porch...but since I was down there, why the fuck not? Anyway, it feels like fall. Temps in the high 50s, faint smell of tonight's earlier rain in the air, fast moving clouds zipping past a full moon, and a super brisk wind. I feel like I should be going to a high school football game tomorrow. This weather is officially irritating me. I mean, it's NICE out...for September. It did rain all week, though...pissin me off. I want it 90 degrees and sunny until further notice, thank you. I'd like to not see my plaid shirt for a few months. I remain in an increasingly odd, hard to describe mood...basically sick of every single thing in my life and wanting to completely change EVERYthing. Every pattern, every set-up, every daily routine. Oh, yeah, and my job and housing, too. Yet that all makes it sound like i'm a miserable depression case...and i'm not. I'm in a GOOD mood...just unbelievably restless, with extra melancholy and self-expectation thrown in for good measure. And yeah, people around me are pissing me off. I kinda just wanna avoid everyone. Anyway, just had a lovely, brief IM chat with a grammar school friend...who just got home from a night out in Tampa. God bless her...she says she feels like she's 21, out carousing till almost dawn. SHE is what I need more of in my life. It soooooooooooooo figures that I was inexplicably tired basically the entire night...and now, at 4:30am, I'm wired. Most would have gone to bed hours ago if they were tired. Not I. I rode my bike down to the Hoboken A&P about 8pm...that was my big night out. Ok, so the bike IS a godsend. I know i've been bitching about it. I definitely need to start locking it outside somewhere...the staircase carrying at 4am just does NOT work. Well, I should prep for bed with some reading of a Ledger business section i've been saving. Calgon, take me away...


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