Friday, June 09, 2006

Is anyone else INFURIATED by the sound of AM radio?

Not AM radio itself...that's another issue. But the SOUND of it. For, oh, 90 minutes and counting now, I've been forced to endure Dipshit's ongoing obsession with The Radio Chick, whoever the FUCK she is...I don't GIVE a flying fuck, and whatever the fuck else he's listening to. Music on in another room I can SOMEWHAT deal with...but THIS...infuriating. Honestly, can he make a SINGLE move that doesn't piss me the FUCK off? Can he pick up ANY habit that doesn't grate on my last nerve? Not only is ANYthing on AM radio just full of fucking static...but it's TALK...and BORING and full of nonsense windbags. Here's what it sounds like from the adjacent room...babahbahhbababhabhahbhahbhahbhahbahbhahbhabhahbhahbhahbahhbhahbhahbahhbahhhhahhbahbhahbhahbhahbhabhahahbhahbahbhahbahbhahbahbhahbhahhhhah. Yeah, like that. This low, unintelligible murmur of FUCKING NOISE. I wanna go in there and rip the cord out of his stereo and smash the motherfucking tinny-sounding piece of shit to the floor. The stereo, not Dipshit. Well...


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