Some 15 years later...running into Hinchy
This has been ONE good, surreal Friday...where EVERY little thing actually went RIGHT for once. I somehow got my landscaping done before it monsooned...I biked/trained it there in RECORD time (40 min.)...had time to chill afterwards since I got there so a $1.32 long distance bill (yes, you read that right -- God bless the "credit for discontinuing service" clause that I got TWICE for cancelling Dipshit's international plan and changing my national one)...sang out loud in the car to 38 Special ("Second Chance" is one of the best songs EVER), Madonna's "Angel," and awesome new Better Than Ezra...managed a non-stressful time at the parents' (!?!), where I also had a DELICIOUS dinner...downed wine and bullshitted with Bern...and, last but not least, reunited with the first best friend I ever had...who's now running for mayor, in and of ITSELF surreal. It is yet another life experience that you just canNOT script. All the pieces just HAD to be aligned for this most bizarre reunion to occur. Timing, luck, serendipity...all that. After bullshitting over wine with Bern, I went out to quickly plant a flower before rain came again. Hands filthy, i'm tying up the trash bag in the yard when I hear Bern yelling my name. I go to the alleyway...and at the end of it I see Hinchy. The initial realization of what was going on is kind of a blur...I was so thrown. In short, he was walking around the nabe ringing doorbells to garner votes for Election Day on Tuesday. HOW funny that I appear out of another family's yard, hands filthy from he's seeking votes for a mayoral election. Two ancient friends, the same age -- one still so in love with his hometown that he wants to run it, the other doing yardwork for quick cash in a town he is apathetic at best toward. First thing he said was how I haven't changed at all...flattering, I guess, though I refrained from pointing out how I'm MUCH more sculpted than when he last saw me...which was probably NOT 15 years ago...but very possibly 12 or so. I almost don't know what to was honestly so fucking bizarre to be standing next to him having a conversation. We were friends from age 6 to 10...and then gradually fell out of it. Though we'd play Manhunt and Kick the Can -- which he MENTIONED!! -- for a few summers after that. And now he's running for MAYOR. Good fucking Lord. I'm cynical as can be, and it's obviously easy to get behind people you've known your whole life, but I really got the sense he wanted the job for noble reasons. He didn't seem fake. I wish him the best. Hey, it'd be kinda cool knowing the mayor so well. He even invited us to his hopeful victory celebration. Can you fucking imagine me at SUCH a hometown affair? Too funny, it really is. And HOW glad am I that I always bring my camera with me?! Yes, I got a pic of the two of us. It was REALLY good to talk to him, and for years I thought a run-in would be awkward. Took me being forced into one to realize it'd be fine. Wow, wow, wow. To top the day off, I found a limited edition of Root Beer Float flavor Edy's ice cream at Pathmark at 1am. YUM!! Ah, yes, and it's also an anniversary...FIFTEEN years ago today, I graduated high school. Oddly fitting I'd run into Hinchy tonight...even though we went to different high schools. Oh, did I drink THAT day! Well, this summer continues to be off to a fine start!
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