Monday, May 29, 2006

The filthy measuring GONE!!?! (aka, MORE evidence that Gary is NOT unreasonable in his endless bitching)

Dipshit has kept this ALWAYS to some degree FILTHY glass pyrex measuring cup on the fucking kitchen counter next to the sink...for like 2 years...maybe more. never went away anywhere. NEVER. Just ONE of the endless things that have added to my increasing blood pressure with him. He'd use it, I suspect from the caked evidence, to stir his eggs in...which he had most weekends. He'd rinse it with water...then just leave it far from clean, it wasn't remotely funny. To give you an idea of how utterly grotesque this fucking thing was...picture it, July of '04, one of the hottest days of the year...I noticed that the damn thing was now getting MOLDY on the outside bottom. The OUTSIDE. I lifted the thing up to clean actually stuck to the counter...and in an instant, the entire kitchen smelled like rotten eggs. Do you SEE what I fucking deal with?!?! I wanted to take the thing and smash it across his fucking skull. SO...every now and then, i'd try to "subtly" light a fire under his stupid ass by putting it in the sink, filling it with hot water, and adding liquid soap detergent to it. NEVER worked. It'd wind up back on the counter, as filthy as ever. Well, I did the sink thing again this weekend...and it was still in the sink when I got home about 9pm. He was home already. But JUST now, my friends, about 12:30am, I was startled by a gaping void in my wasn't in the sink anymore...NOR on the counter! I proceeded to check every possible cabinet space we have, sure he'd finally caught my drift that it annoyed the fuck out of me, and stored it away...still invitation for roaches. But, NO! Like a crazed lunatic, I then breathlessly dove into the trash can...peeling away the upper layers of the can, PRAYING it was in there...and IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!! OH...MY...FUCKING...GOD, you have NO idea how happy this makes me! I have felt, in a number of ways, this Memorial Day weekend to be a New Beginning...but now, as sad as this surely seems to say...but i'm completely, painfully serious...I see The Vanishing Pyrex Cup as the ULTIMATE symbolism of a fresh, new era!!!!! YES!! **Now, of course, Dipshit DID put the GLASS cup in the garbage can...when it belongs in recyclables. Sigh...even when he (rarely) does right, he does wrong.


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