Thursday, June 01, 2006

JUNE 1...Hurricane season begins!!

It's June. JUNE. JUNE!!!! I'm struggling to comprehend this fact. I mean, I know it's June 1. But you want it to FEEL that way...and i'm not sure that it does. I think as you get older, months more and more morph into one another. There's less clear signs that it's a certain time of year. No big "signal" like school ending or starting. Or even exams. There used to be a PROCESS. Now the calendar just turns...and turns. Eh, hey, it's warm and humid with heavy t-storms...and i'm riding my bike...what MORE signs do I need? Just all goes too fast, that's all. Blink...and it'll be Labor Day. I WANT to have an absolutely tranformative summer. I always want that...but never like this year. It's been five years since I had a Classic Summer...that beautiful Summer of '01. Time for another. Hurricane season begins today, too. Insert multiple exclamation points. I LOVE bad weather. And I love hurricanes perhaps most of all. Yeah, yeah, they bring misery...I know. I PRAY this is the year the Northeast gets the hurricane of '38...hell, or even '85's Gloria. We taped our windows for Gloria...only time in my life I've done so. It was a Thursday night in late September..."The (Fucking) Cosby Show" was on. Exciting! So, here's to June...and another Classic Summer!!


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