Wednesday, May 31, 2006

gym, gym, gym, gym, gym

HOURS there again...even longer than yesterday. It's funny how fast the time flies while i'm there. I wasn't hungry, wasn't bored. I'm loving working out so much. It really is true how it makes you feel EMOTIONALLY better. I MUST join a gym for real somehow soon. That bike, though...UGH! Two days in, and I'm truly, TRULY weary of any uphill portions...and don't even get me started on carrying the bike up to the 3rd floor. I've decided, as long as rain isn't in the forecast, I think i'm gonna start chaining it outside somewhere...ideally in view of my apartment. It is just SUCH a colossal pain in the fucking ass getting it in the front door and up the stairs, day in, day out. Anyway, it's the last day of May...ahhhhhhhh. May 31. May 31. I just like writing that. Still spring as long as it's May. JUNE tomorrow!?! Oh, I finally reconnected with Drew today. Strangers reading this will have zero idea who Drew is...good. Wait, ARE there strangers reading this? Hello? Well, I will ceremoniously conclude the month of May by doing some late night further tearing down of things on my bedroom walls. It's more fresh and clean looking by the day. I'm fucking ready to move out in a heartbeat. Funny how the entire apt is finally spotless and reorganized and to my liking...and i'm ready to go. I'll enjoy it until I do. Reviewing May...began great, ended great. But THE most continuously stressed I think I have EVER been. But when down, I only fight harder...after the initial freaking out. And being stressed makes you think of things in new ways, which is good. So, goodbye, May 2006! I survived ya!


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