Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rainy Saturday

I can never seem to follow up one great day with another. Today wasn't bad. Not at all. It was just...unbearably dull. This, despite the fact that I spent 2.5 hours in the gym, browsed CVS briefly, and hit ShopRite. Ok, not exactly riveting stuff...but at least I was out. And the gym was good. I don't know. Rained hard briefly this afternoon, then just cloudy and cool. Plans to head to CT tonight were made and broken within hours. And I just wound up sitting online all night, inhaling varieties of food, when I YEARNED to be OUT and about. Ugh. Who cares. Not a big deal. I'm...just...plain...bored. Tons I coulda done around the house...and all I did was clean the toilet. HA! At least something got done. Just a riveting night, huh?! I'm just consumed with the fact almost constantly that there's a whole big world of things to do out there, and people to meet, and places to go...and i'm IDLE. It's a slow, torturous road back out of a rut, let me tell you. Jesus, it sounds like i'm way depressed...and i'm not. Way bored, way restless, way sick and tired and aggravated, yes. Ahhhhhhhh!! 2am now...I think i'll pop open a beer...and I wish I had a cigarette...


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