Saturday, June 10, 2006

I think I just bought staples for the last time in my life

Yet another night where I had the feeling of utter TRIUMPH over purchasing items from ShopRite. Yeah, it's kinda pathetic, but I don't give a shit. It's my life. When you have precious little money, the smallest things become a game of skill. I actually have many, many tangents I could go off on, but it IS 3am...and I DON'T feel like writing that much. So, in brief, I have a TAD more money in my pocket as we speak, so i'm fucking "splurging" on things, all-purpose Lysol cleaner, a new hair brush, hair spray, Listerine, and a few other things. Things I DO need, and I'm tired of putting off buying because I'm broke. Fuck it. Oh, yeah, I also dropped off 2 more rolls of film...I just got one roll back. TIRED of having backed-up film to be developed...from fucking January. So it's funny I actually bought a time when I need tons of "staples." And why the FUCK do I always NEED the "staples" ALL at the same time?! Pain in the ass...though I must say, I AM getting most of them DRASTICALLY reduced. So about those ACTUAL staples...5,000 in a box!! And only $ kinda price. I'm the only person who winds up pondering my mortality after buying a tiny box of staples. But, seriously...will I even USE 5,000 staples if I live to be 100? Next time I buy them, I could be my parents' age. Shudder. Ugh. WHY must I be a melancholy Irishman?! So it's a full moon out...and it's shimmering on the water outside my window. Rather beautiful. I take my "waterfront" view for granted sometimes...i'm lucky, though. It IS quite a view. So it was a productive Saturday...exciting!! A lot of running around tonight, but that's OK. The Portuguese Feast in Newark was tonight...I was last there 11 years ago tonight. 1995 has the same calendar as 2006. The ability to effortlessly recall dates is starting to depress me...i'm CONSTANTLY aware of sizable chunks of time having flown by like nothing. Alrighty, no dwelling. Concentrate on TODAY...and all the good I did with it. That full moon is just spectacular.


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