Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random 2am thoughts

*The FOR SALE sign is gone from the front porch...on a day where I finally -- one week later -- saw the landlords, ambushed by them and a realtor about 12:45pm. Just a TAD awkward, but not that bad. The realtor praised how CLEAN my apt was, "especially for 2 guys." Um, YEAH. Take THAT, old man! I barely contained myself from blurting obnoxiously, "well, I do ALL the cleaning...the other guy does zippo." So are they gonna use a broker now? What the hell? They're still not listed in the local paper. Glad the initial run-in with them is over and done.

*I forgot to note the 12-year anniversary yesterday of OJ Simpson slashing 2 people to bloody pieces...then having yet another insipid jury let him off to walk this earth...to breathe. He killed them. HE should be killed. Anyone who thinks he's innocent is a fucking moron. It STILL infuriates me on every level.

*I've had a VERY relaxing yet productive day of finally reading stacks of business and real estate sections. Clearing clutter AND educating myself...perfect! And it is just gorgeous out tonight...balmy. Rode my bike to ShopRite at 10:30pm. I'm loving that bike again after a rocky start. Makes life SO much easier. Good night.


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