Saturday, June 17, 2006

I am painfully alone

It's Saturday night, the middle of June, 80 degrees out, increasing humidity, a balmy southerly breeze blowin in my delightful bay windows...and, at 9:45pm, I'd LIKE to go out...but truly, literally have no one to call. OK, so let's clear this up...I HAVE friends. 97% of them simply aren't local. I can think of THREE local friends. Now let's run through them...2 are girls, one guy. The guy lives in Staten Island, so even THAT isn't really local. The one girl lives in Park Slope, so THAT really isn't local. Then you have the other girl...who's RIGHT in Hoboken...yet SHE is at her beach house each weekend. And she's, um, a girl. No offense, girls...but shopping and antiquing and talkin about the guys you like...just not really my fucking thing. That leaves NO ONE. NO ONE. If I wanted to go out RIGHT now...I have NO ONE to join me. It's interesting to note that I SHOULD be surrounded by friends a wedding in MA...but I had no way to get there. Perverse. It's also funny I'm feeling this way at the end of a week where i've been BLISSFULLY alone. But maybe that's part of it...while I HAVE enjoyed my peace and productivity and zen surroundings, I am BURSTING to go out and drink and have fun now. It's tough navigating this life of mine. Fuck this. People have worse problems. Blocks from me, people are homeless from a raging fire today. Honestly, fuck this pity shit. I'm just bored and restless. I just need to find NEW quality people to spend my time know, when I can afford it...


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