Monday, June 19, 2006

Even going into work at 10am sucks moosecock

I'm working tomorrow (!!?!?!?!?!!!!) and am elated...really. I'm also elated that my already slightly-later-than-the-rest-of-the-9 to 5-on-autopilot-workers-of-America start time was pushed from 9:30 to 10am. But you know what? At the terrible risk of inciting "oh, FUCK you, lazy ass!" rage, it's STILL too early. This means I have to wake at 8am...and The Gary Guidebook to Life states clearly on Page 1 of Chapter 1, in the third paragraph, that being forcibly roused from slumber ANY time before 10am is just SO not acceptable. This means a NOON start time at the earliest works for me. It's 2am now, so i'm at the 6 hours of sleep mark as we speak...but not really, 'cause the alarm will be set for 7:15am. We're looking, at best, at 4.5 hours of genuine sleep. This sucks. I'll do it...I will NOT compromise my natural clock for the rest of you assinine motherfuckers...but it still sucks. Moosecock. Big fat moosecock. That's what it sucks. Ah, but it could be despite everything I just wrote, i'm as giddy as a little girl with her first period. Or lollipop. Whatever image works best for you. And on that note, time to say my prayers and prep for bed!


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