Saturday, June 24, 2006

I live in a MILLION dollar house!?!?

After almost 3 weeks of sleuthing, I finally hit paydirt about 2 hours ago when I spied my house's "for sale" ad in the local paper for the first time. I'm still reeling from the asking price...$1,199,000!!! Yes, just below $1.2 million! I just canNOT fucking believe it. Thank God I was seated; otherwise, I think i'd have fainted. Dipshit and I thought MAYBE in the 700k range tops. For once, I'm anxious to talk to him about something. HOW in the name of God can this house be worth $1.2 million? It says I live in the "best area of town." Well, that's lovely. Yes, it's a very decent area...but not the BEST in town. More real estate bullshit. I know i'm only one of 3 apts., but it's still stunning to realize I'M living in a MILLION dollar house. So damn funny. Also funny...that there's a THREE'S COMPANY marathon on TV Land now...and "the kids" were just panicked about their rent cash...being stolen, but then Mr. Roper told them he took it, but forgot to leave a receipt. Panic about rent...paying it in cash...getting a, that's MY life! Hell, even the crabby husband landlord and the FAR more pleasant and tolerant wife landlord is JUST like MY life. God, i'm SO happy this marathon is on...JUST what I need! It hasn't been on in so long. I'm kinda obsessed with this show. Watched it NIGHTLY in like '03 and '04. It's like THE pivotal show of my youth...and I mean like before age 10, which is amusing given it's a sex farce. Somehow my moral watchdog parents found THIS show acceptable for their young son? Anyway, it brings back a flood of fond memories to watch it...along with the still-there hilarity. Oh, yeah, and it IS set in SANTA MONICA...and it DID become an ideal for how I wanted to live my young adult life. Ahhhh. So, that's my exciting blog for this very dull, humid, monsoon Saturday...the LAST Saturday of June. Come and knock on my (million dollar-plus) door...


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