I could VERY easily bitch, bitch, FUCKING bitch about this day...
But I won't. TWO unspeakably agitating financial episodes that could have sent me...and still may...into fits of panic and rage. But I choose to move beyond them. You know, hold onto that "true character of a man is how he reacts when tested with adversity" thing. It did all get me thinking, seriously, about how easy it is to get discouraged and lose focus. But you can't. I can't. Even though it feels very often that I take half a step forward, then three steps back. Gee, this is again turning into self-help bullshit. I'll focus on today's positives...for starters, the finance hell ultimately served to only get me FURTHER organized, but in THAT area this time, which is, naturally, more important than organizing my sock drawer. I picked up my FINAL roll of film for quite some time...amen!! I'm gonna finish inserting the pics after I write this. Dating them will come tomorrow. Yeah, I like taking pics, displaying them in albums. But if anyone thinks for one second I like the PROCESS of it, you're fucking insane. There's a hundred other things I'd rather be doing than inserting, dating, and documenting pics in albums...though I must say, i'm about four years behind in the documenting part of that. Eh, it's the least important...I'll eventually get it all done to some degree. I also picked up another dandy $2.99 photo album. Are you getting the idea yet that simply going to a store and purchasing items easily makes my day? My train/bike ride home from the 'rents was also exciting, as I did it in record time, stunning dad with my requisite "i'm home" phonecall. I like "racing" against myself...oooooooo, i'm SO competitive! The best part of today, though, was finally taking my classic (dare I say iconic?) 20-year-old pic of me and my brother on Rt. 15 under the "Welcome to CA" sign and blowin it up to 8x10 size on a nifty Kodak Picture Maker machine. $5 and change and many super careful croppings later, it sits in a frame in my room, waiting for tomorrow to be nailed somewhere on my wall. Now, I truly look like a Holocaust survivor in the pic, i'm so bloody fucking skinny...one with a curiously OVERsized head of hair, mind you, which only accentuates my Karen Carpenter figure, as does my expertly picked sleeveless shirt. Picture Bea Arthur, GOLDEN GIRLS, season one...that's MY Hair then. Christ, i'm such a fucking mess. The Hawaiian shorts complete the hideous spectacle. At least I didn't have the high socks on up to my knees that day....like my brother. My point is that, despite this HORROR, I just LOVE this picture so much that I chose to blow it up even bigger and plaster myself on the wall for all to view. It is JUST the best picture...the BEST memories combined with inspiration to get back there. And I'll now have it shoved in my face daily to motivate me! Not to mention remind me of how far i've come in the looks dept...so my head can swell even further. Hahaha...on so many levels. Yes, THOSE are the great things that happened today.
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