Saturday, July 01, 2006


Twenty years ago today, I crossed the Nevada line into San Bernardino County, CALIFORNIA...the largest county in the United States I read today. I googled "Nevada state line" and found a great site that has pics and explanations of every exit on Rt. 15. Most interesting was 1) reading that my big WELCOME TO CA sign apparently is gone but 2) seeing the SAME mileage sign that's in my 8x10 on the wall! Mine was kinda blurry, but the site shows it as listing Baker and Barstow, which matches the "blur" in my own pic. me, at least. Surely no one else finds that fascinating. There's not much more to say on this issue. I think i've beaten it to death.'s just funny how CALIFORNIA has become such a single-word focus for this "era" of my life. As recently as November, it wasn't even on my radar. Now, oddly timed to the 20-year-anniversary of my being there, but not BECAUSE of that, I'm obsessed by it. Certainly, my trip memories have added sharp perspective, though. I will end this night by listening to CA music...Stevie Nicks, Sugar Ray, Belinda, Gwen, Henley...ok, I may not get to them all tonight (it IS 1:45am now), but I'll start. With Stevie. And I'll play them in the coming days.

I'm gonna leave the house now for the first time all day, right back.

...Back! Wow...WHAT a fucking gorgeous night out! Breezy, 70s, just a tad humid. Took a leisurely stroll...just utterly relaxing. Then sat on the porch, pondering the start of the second half of the year. This day turned out 100% different than I'd planned...I did NOTHING. But, oddly, i'm fine with that. And i'm totally de-stressed, so I guess being around no other humans was the cure I needed. NOT a bike ride through congested NYC. The wind is really kicking up in its summer way...totally like a beach house in here. Perfect. Hello, July...I have big plans for you...though u'd never know it from today.


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