Saturday, July 01, 2006

2006 is HALFWAY over!!

It's 3am on Friday, June 30. THREE'S COMPANY is on. And, as my previous blog made clear, I'm in kind of a horseshit mood. Which doesn't bode well for cheery "look what I've done with the first half of 2006!" reflections. I need the clear light of a new day...of JULY! Of a day spent bikeriding through Manhattan. That's what i'll do tomorrow, I think. A lighthearted movie would be nice, too. ANYthing to get me out of my boiling-over head. It's beautiful out and 65. Peaceful. The midpoint of the year. What HAVE I accomplished? I'm not gonna answer that now...if ever, in detail. I'm pretty happy with my DIRECTION, if not all of my current situations. But i'm on my way, if I can maintain focus and deal with my ongoing rage toward fools around me. And a dozen new friends would be nice. People who called, wrote, showed ongoing interest. I want too much perhaps. God forbid. I put a lot of pressure on myself this year...and i'm glad. I look forward to pondering the mid-year point all day tomorrow. See ya, June. You flew always...faster every year.


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