Thursday, July 13, 2006


Twice I scaled the fire escape tonight to get to my roof. First, at dusk. Then, at about 11:20pm to see where the fireworks were that I heard booming for about a half hour. I couldn't see them from any window. Then Ch. 2's weatherman even mentioned hearing "noise" outside the studio, even thought it may be thunder. Is he an idiot? Though not seeing any pretty displays, I DID wonder if maybe we were being bombed with some kind of deadly gas. But no. They were being lit on the Hudson in the 50s. Why, who knows. Anyway, the view is as spectacular as ever. Watching fireworks over the skyline of one of the world's top cities...from my roof! I'm a lucky bastard to have this view. Yes, i'm in Counting My Blessings mode. There was even a mostly full moon to add to the visual appeal. And the weather...incredible! Vaguely September-ish. Actually, right now in this apartment, I feel like i'm at the beach. There's a refreshing breeze bringing in some of the smell of the reservoir, the humidity is low, the cricketts are chirping, a faint whiff of honeysuckle in the air, too. The sultry air of yesterday is gone...though today is a brief respite before our first big heat wave. It is just the essence of summertime. And I saw a PBS Ken Burns documentary before on the old Palisades Amusement Park, completing the summery feel. Made me feel wistful for a place that closed before I was even born. Also made me yearn for a boardwalk. Me gots to get to one, stat! A beach, too, for that matter.


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