Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bike riding through West Hudson

Nothing like a bike ride through the park of your youth...and ALL around the neighborhood. I took off for an evening ride about 9:15pm. It was 45 minutes of great exercise, curious exploration, and reflecting on the past. I have so many memories of this park, and a lot of them came flooding back as I pretty much rode around the entire perimeter. Sleigh offer to smoke my first cigarette at 13 -- which I'll note I refused, smart lad that I was...ancient memories of picnicking with relatives and being taken to the playground...and the jogging. SO much jogging. Yes, the endeavor I mercilessly mock...but I used to do it. Not sure why. I certainly didn't need to lose weight. Why the fuck didn't anyone alert me that weightlifting might have bulked up my teen years' concentration camp-figure? But i'd jog ALL the time in high school...and even after. In fact, the most specific memory that came flooding back to me tonight was from right after college...a Monday night in September '95 (specific enough for you?) on the day that I bought the first issue of GEORGE magazine. I just remember going to the park that night, jogging and stretching. Just insane what I remember. I was even on track and cross country in both high school and college...though I hated it always. But, fuck, I sucked at every other sport...surely I could RUN? Well, no. I mean, yes, I DID...but I was never the leader of the pack. My sides always began to hurt or I'd be out of breath. Nightmare. I really think I have some form of asthma or some breathing issue, because I could NEVER hold my breath or maintain my breathing well. Jesus Christ, what a bloody tangent! But sports and Gary never went together...not for lack of trying or even some interest. But the only thing I was skilled at catching was sarcastic nuance. (I stole that genius previous line from FRASIER, I must admit, but surely I get some props for utilizing it in my own life?) So I had a great bike ride to and through the park. Very relaxing. Perfect way to spend the last night of my "vacation." Oh, and I was also intoxicated by the smell of "the woods." I REALLY need to go camping or to the mountains or something. I miss the woods. There's no people there...ideal. Just trees and grass and rocks and streams and birds and gravel roads. Wonderful!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should go to Maine! Lots of woods there.

9:30 AM PDT  

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