Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I detest this fucking word/phrase. It is criminally overused and oversimplifies most of the life experiences it's spoken about. I certainly understand the intention and meaning behind it. Sometimes, The Closure Event even actually fulfills the need for a sense of peace, understanding, or coming full circle. I'm merely saying it's become -- for a WHILE now -- beyond trite. Fucking Oprah-speak. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Oprah herself has had a HELL of a lot to do with this word's ingraining itself into the national psyche. The thing is, though, nothing is EVER closed. You move on because there's no other choice -- you're still breathing. Life goes on. The world continues to spin. You wake up, soldier forward through pain or disappointment, until things ease up. And they will. Hurt will EASE. But end? CLOSURE? Never. Pain or anger will sit there dormant in the mind, ALWAYS waiting for a trigger to open the floodgates again. The flood tends to lessen each time out, the pain not quite as deep...though it can be. Every circumstance is different. But that river NEVER dries up.


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