Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Flower power

Today is certainly the worst allergic reaction to anything I've ever had in my life. The cause, besides the ungodly high tree pollen count I keep hearing about, is surely those 2 small flowers I ripped off a bush in my parents' yard last night and promptly put in a bottle in my room. The entire apartment smelled of them instantaneously. Be nice if I knew the name of one of my fave-smelling flowers after all these years. It hasn't been THAT bad...but still, my entire day has been a drag. It actually began just before I went to bed about 3am, when my vision was...well, I still don't know how to explain it. It wasn't double-vision and I wasn't blind, lol. But it was like spotty or something, and my eyes were super tired. Very odd...but I quickly fell asleep...with the TV on, which I hate. At 7am, I woke up, not only with an annoying full bladder...but the most pounding headache I've had in years. So bad I almost felt like vomiting. Pissed, downed 2 Tylenol, then went back to bed. Then got up again, ripped the flowers out of the bottle and stuffed them deep in the kitchen trash. I kept thinking of Sharon Stone being interviewed about her aneurysm, where she said it was like someone shot her in the head. Yes, I always fear the worst. Anyway, I felt tired and vaguely like vomiting again about 3pm. But then I showered...and hopefully cleaned myself of any excess pollen...and I DO feel better now...though still blah. My entire day so far...ruined by a FUCKING FLOWER.


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