Sunday, April 16, 2006

Over My Head

This song by The Fray is a song I like. The video was just on, so I thought I'd write about it, lol. The song's title kinda generally sums up how I feel about my whole life, so perhaps that's why I like the song. That, or the catchy pop chorus. I also just watched ROSEANNE...another favorite. Especially the middle years, when it was at its tonight's ep where David moved in after Roseanne saw how his nutcase mother treated him. Well, it hit 80 degrees today for the first time this year...right smack in the middle of April. I enjoy the symmetry of that. Naturally, I didn't go outside until evening. I had a most pleasant afternoon, though...reading a bit again on the radiator. I need to put a pillow there to cushion my bony ass. I really need a fainting couch, but one dream at a time. I finally went out about 6:30pm and it was just perfect outside. I love evening strolls. And stroll I did...all through Hoboken, with Don Henley's BOYS OF SUMMER and SUNSET GRILL on my headphones. Just mahvelous. Yes, i'm in wistful song mode today. I did some Hoboken Reporter reading while perched on a wall...more interested in watching the NYC skyline as night fell and all the twinkling lights came on in the buildings and on the bridges. Yes, it was all most soothing. I completed the fun by using a $1 coupon for Minute Maid that got me TWO 64oz. containers of OJ for $1.27 each. A Hungry Man turkey dinner was the icing on the cake of my restful Saturday. Eight seconds left of overtime...


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