Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who wants to celebrate Good Friday with a SMOKE?!

...IN A BAR...IN NEW JERSEY? Because after midnight tomorrow, it's done...over...kaput. ILLEGAL. I'm not even a remotely regular smoker, and it annoys me. I mean, i'm not WAY fired up over it. But it agitates. The thing, though, that really gets me about the NJ law is the "keep from smoking 25 feet away from any establishment" provision. Um, WHAT?! FUCKING insanity. Although it DOES open up room for high hilarity when I start bringing my measuring tape to local taverns. So, yeah, it's not a BURNING need, but it'd be really cool to puff up one last time inside a NJ bar before the Whining Lifestyle Police explode wildly-out-of-proportion yet another life risk and impose yet another restriction on our society. I dunno, I'M more worried about my PATH train blowing up...


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