Wednesday, April 05, 2006

In MY book, winter ended TODAY

I woke up (at an hour surely to infuriate most) to see the ground in the yard covered in WHITE! I was giddy with surprise at not only the snow having stuck, but that it snowed at ALL. They'd been saying some snow MAYBE mixing in with the rain showers, but nothing like THIS. And it was supposed to be done by super early morning, too. AND it was STILL snowing!! And kinda hard! Surely i've gone on WAY too much about the half inch of snow or so that fell briefly today...on April 5. But it was fun to last time. The first 10 days of April often bring snow in the NYC area. And the weather freak that I am was glad it barely pushed NYC to the 40-inch mark for the season...for the 4th year in a row...which has only happened like once before in recorded history. YAY! So it's fitting that I stored away my gloves and scarves for the season tonight. And thirdly, i'm about to enjoy my final packet of hot cocoa of the season. And THUS, winter ends. God, I love when events align, tied up in neat little packages. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I opened up that bin of winter wear in another apartment...or better yet, on another coast? Of course, if in CA, I doubt I'd be even opening it up...

I was overjoyed today at the news that ever-progressive Massachusetts has somehow come up with a way for EVERY person in the state to receive health insurance. Genius!! I've long been dismayed that the Clintons didn't succeed with achieving national health care reform. It CAN be done. It SHOULD be done. EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN should have health benefits!!! Kudos, MA!

Katie Couric is officially becoming the first sole female anchor of a network evening newscast. Good for her, and good for women...but SHUT THE FUCK UP about it already. Good Lord. Now we have to endure the Meredith Vieira Watch...and then the Who The Fuck Cares Who Fills Meredith's VIEW Spot Watch. Can someone make Fatass Righteous Bitch Star Jones go away, too? And for that matter, the completely pointless, uninteresting, and irritatingly Republican SURVIVOR Elizabeth?

Sandra Bernhard's new show opened in NYC tonight. I saw her last one in February of ' hell of a fun night out. This woman is, like I said about THE SIMPSONS, soooooooooooooo spot-on about everything. Just a very smart, observant, sharp-tongued, hilarious broad. If you don't agree, I'm not sure I want to know you.

Finally, I talked to THREE old friends whom I rarely see today...two of them initiating the contact, the 3rd about to jet to --sigh -- LA to do a DJ gig. God is torturing me with everyone and their mother going to LA. The most exciting was the phone message from Charlie. I NEVER get phonecalls. HA, sounds pathetic. Well, I DO detest the phone. Now I just have to actually SEE these people in person, which I'm adding to my front burner list. This longass entry is now done.


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