Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday, Monday...

Speaking of Mamas and Papas, I saw mine today...for what feels like the 277th time in 10 days. I'm anxious for SEVERAL days alone, getting back into several different self-centered grooves. I have a few disparate things to quickly blog about. Drumroll...1) At about 3:30am last night, I was struck -- in the still silence of my bedroom -- by the sound of birds chirping/singing. I leaned out my window and took it in for a couple of minutes. THE most soothing thing to hear. It was the perfect way to end my weekend. Ahhhhhhhh. 2) Switching gears violently, this 20th 9/11 hijacker named Zac...thank GOD they've at least decided he CAN be sentenced to death. Now we just have to waste more time waiting to see if that's what he gets. Jesus, give ME the gun to rid us of him. And then he's screaming out in court about how we'll never get his blood?! I say we help him find Allah by strapping him to a chair on a Newark runway and having a plane run into HIM. 3) On a related note, seems people are complaining about the trailer for UNITED 93, the soon-to-be-released 9/11 movie. I'm generally against censorship (especially as it's usually knee-jerk), but I can understand people being upset, especially in NYC. But more than being against the trailer, i'm against the MOVIE. What in the name of God is the purpose of this? HOW can a movie version of that plane's doomed flight be ANY more compelling than THE TRUTH...what we already know in such vivid, painful detail? It CAN'T. There is ZERO reason for this film. It's so utterly pointless and a complete waste of time and money. I can't fathom why anyone would wanna see it. Much like the insipid SCOTT PETERSON STORY that CBS embarrassed themselves with recently. Gee, I wonder how THAT one ended. Oh, that's right...I already KNEW from the unnecessary media fascination...and never fucking CARED in the first place. This 9/11 movie is a crass way for Universal to make money, and I have no patience for the argument surely to be posited by every dumb actor involved that they "really wanna tell those passengers' stories." Riiiiiiiight. Quit kidding yourselves. Those passengers' stories have already been told in the way they should the thousands of articles and TV stories on the REAL people relatives and friends who knew them, airline officials, police, CIA, FBI, you name it. PERIOD. 4) I read today that if you started drinking before age 15, you're 5 times more likely to become an alcoholic. LOFUCKINGL! I began at 13. HA! And i'm fine, thank you. 5) Finally, it was officially announced today that Madonna's touring this summer...THE CONFESSIONS TOUR. I missed the last go-around...which I honestly wasn't that shaken by. This one i'd like to see, though. We'll see how that pans out. All done. Good night.


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