I'm gonna avoid The Cliche
I've been fully immersing myself in AOL radio tonight for the first time...have The Madonna Channel on now. Hmm, yes, a CLICHE, lol. But her line from DIE ANOTHER DAY, which has just ended, is one I hold dear...a mantra I TRY to live by overall. Not always easy. Now TIME STOOD BY is on...a very little-heard song from THE NEXT BEST THING soundtrack...and i'm reminded anew that Madonna, for all her Dance Queen rep, is actually immensely talented at producing wistful, melancholic tracks. MANY of them. PROMISE TO TRY remains one of the saddest songs i've ever heard. I'd argue that even a lot of her dance songs make you THINK along with moving your ass. Regret, moving on, surviving...all common themes put to a blistering beat. Obviously i'm desperate for something to write about tonight, lol. Just before, I realized my friend from work may know a girl I went to college with. Thank you, 2-year-old college newsletter i'm just going through now. THEN, work girl logs on inexplicably at 2am! Spooky. And she DOES know her! And that's Gary's Deliciously Small World Anecdote of the Day. And the end of this entry. HA...and now I'LL REMEMBER comes on...SEE!!
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