Monday, March 20, 2006

Stripper Task Force

It's been one of those driven, single-minded days -- coming after a night where I tossed and turned, anxiety-ridden about 57 different things. Did I run out and procure regular employment doing ANYthing that paid as a result of my 3:30am stress? No, I simply attacked the next line of SHIT in my nonstop assault on chaos...which WILL lead to my getting a job. But that's too complex for right now. Today was all about college...again. About 3 years ago, I began assembling the mounds of memorabilia (i.e., more SHIT) from college into a scrapbook. All of freshman year got done. Then that project, like so many, came to a halt for whatever reason. My A.D.D. kicked in. Tossed into a bag or manila envelopes, said shit has sat (say THAT 3 times) under my bed since. And, of course, it's sat SOMEwhere for about 10 an unorganized mess. But no more. For endless HOURS today, I went through every single thing in every single envelope and every single pile that had been in a plastic bag and organized it to obsessive compulsive perfection. Reviewed, pondered, sometimes trashed, organized by date and year. COMPLETE sorting through. And now it's done!! In one day...shit that lingered, festered, annoyed me every bloody day I looked at it taking up space in a one day, it's been gone through & set aside, out of view, just waiting now to be implanted into the remaining scrapbooks I have. GOOD FUCKING LORD, the relief can't be measured. Damn, hard work IS so rewarding once you see the fruits of your labor. I've always known this, but a reminder is always welcome. Guarantee MY day was more rewarding than most of those EMPLOYED, just staring at a clock, playing with their Blackberry, emailing friends, going out for a smoke break, or to the restroom, or to the breakroom...all to waste time. All to avoid their rewarding job sorting a pile they don't care about, calling a client they despise, typing a report that means zippo to them, giving a presentation while struggling to fake the slightest bit of interest in what they're boasting about. Not everyone's job is richly UNrewarding, of course. But many are. MANY. And this is my little way of yet again pointing out...well, so many things...but namely that 1) it's very easy to hide behind The Paycheck and act like you have it all figured out and aren't YOU a responsible adult and also 2) that I don't NEED a job to fill my many inexplicably seem to. They bitch and moan daily, then have a week off where they don't go on vacation, and by the 4th day they don't know what to do with themselves. Um, WHAT?! Completely sad and uncreative. But i'm weary already of getting on my soapbox. I WOULD like to have a job...but a well-paying one where I feel like I'm contributing something to society. Is that so much to ask? So it's been a GREAT day...albeit wearying. And that stripper thing of the title? Well, in my reviewing, I was reminded that in college, student senate took up the controversial cause of female strippers coming to campus for...well, does one NEED an official reason to hire a stripper? I could say someone's birthday kegfest or to celebrate Yom Kippur, but really, who cares? The point is that we actually DEBATED for WEEKS during Senate meetings what the college's official Stance should be on strippers. Not even outlawing them, mind you...merely dreaming up a moral stance that would be typed into the Senate Bible or whatever. Can you FUCKING imagine? There indeed WAS a Stripper Task Force. It's right there in the Minutes I saved. You can be sure I was shaking my leg and having seizure-like eyerolls throughout this particular colossal waste of my time. And, yes, it was women who brought up this hard-hitting issue. Student Senate...a room full of people YEARNING to hear themselves talk. Makes an amusing anecdote, though. So now it's 2:30am, the end of a productive day. Ahhhhhh. And...THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!! Wouldn't know it by the 40 degree high and wind, but winter is offically GONE! Raise a glass with me to Spring '06!! MUCH to do!!


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