Sunday, March 19, 2006

Good luck & be well, Bill Beutel

Bill Beutel, distinguished WABC anchor & another staple of my youth, has died at 75. And I actually have a Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon-esque relation to him. Dipshit, who broke the news to me this afternoon of Beutel's death, went to school with Jeff Rossen, agitating Ch. 7 reporter...who's actually been in my living room once. THAT was an awkward encounter. And who did the big Interview With All The Notables remembering Beutel tonight? That's right, Mr. Rossen, STILL looking -- to me -- like he's in high school playing Grown Up, with his Ted Baxter hair and Reporter 101 delivery. SO annoying. I liked Bill Beutel, though. Actually, he's the ONLY anchor I can think of from Ch. 7 that i've EVER liked. Because he was REAL...unlike so many to me at that station, as i've said before. Didn't seem remotely fake. Very polished, very urbane...but not fake. A great newsman. A gentleman, they keep saying over and over. I hate to say it's "fun," but I always get a charge out of seeing competing stations' anchors and reporters commenting on a deceased "rival." Chuckie Scarborough at home in a sweater, full of wistful memories. Things like that. Naturally, his death made me think about ME -- what legacy I'LL leave; will MY death be nationally reported? No, i'm not kidding. Gotta get crackin on that. MY big Sunday? Pancakes, light cleaning, ShopRite, SOPRANOS, streamlining. Fun! Will streamlining be my legacy? Or maybe this blog? Wink, wink. Hmm, only 2am and yet i'm ready for bed, I think...soon. And so, another New York institution has passed. Good night, Bill.


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