Wednesday, March 15, 2006

VERY buzzed on the Ides of March

Almost 2am...just got in a bit ago from a rollicking night out. VERY exciting time. Went to BED and STEREO with Violet...and her friend from work, and HER friend. The Stereo part of it was a surprise. Saw 2 SNL guys I couldn't name if you paid me...but I KNOW they're on SNL. Didn't pay for a damn fucking thing. Drank all night, had some delish whore-derves, enjoyed meeting new people (including a Washburn lookalike and AMEX trader), and danced myself into the center of attention -- like it should be. And to lines for the men's room ALL night long, despite a mob scene! WHAT more can one ask for?! Well, more food...but i'm nitpicking. The food I DID swipe was incredible. I don't even know what the fuck I was eating. And the light rail "shortcut" I took indeed cut some I dodged multiple lanes of traffic. OH! I canNOT forget mentioning that Washburn's doppelganger was STUNNED when I said I was 33...said I looked 25!!?! Made my YEAR...though I tend to daily agree. NOTHING about me screams 33 if you ask me. Violet and I had an absolutely incredibly drunken time. Bless her for bringing me. Rest of the day? Who cares...more streamlining. Sums it up. CHEERS to Wednesday 33!!


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