75 Degrees! Fresh Cut Grass! Surprise Visit From Cousins! (Who Were IN Southern CA!) And SOOOO Much More!!
DAMN if this Final Week of 32 hasn't gone out on a delirious high! My head is spinning from the many experiences of today. Sadly, despite being wide awake after some 7 cups of tea in the 10-11pm hour, it IS 4:10am, and I don't wanna be up till dawn writing, so I fear a more flowery description of my day will be lost. **I interrupt this breathless blog entry to issue a brief personal note to E.T. (aka Anonymous) -- I fear staying at my place isn't an option, and I feel like a complete PRICK saying that. Your re-analysis of NYC vs. LA is most surprising, and I DO love surprise. I won't bore the masses further (more than usual), so PLEASE email me at "my first and last name" all in lowercase@hotmail.com, and once you do, i'll ramble in full. Sigh to life's evil catch-22s.
So it hit 75 today!!!!!!! WOW! Once I stumbled out of bed at another obscenely late hour, I didn't see sun and figured the weatherpeople fucked up again. SO glad I was wrong for once. Sure, we had dangerous 50mph gusts ushering in said RECORD-BREAKING warmth, but you can't win em all. Being my birthday weekend and all, I "treated" myself to a bus instead of walking to the PATH, and got to my parents' much easier and earlier than I would have. Ah, but my first gardening gig of the season took place before I saw the 'rents. Glorious to be outdoors amongst nature again! Oh, wait, but along the way, in "the blue alley," I sauntered past a groundskeeper mowing the little league!! YAY!! Fresh-cut grass filled the air with the hope of spring, only further electrifying the spring in my step. I lingered in the yard of my gardening gig at dusk, savoring the air and silence. From there...the parents' insanity, er, house. Some rather irritating moments were replaced with glee once the phone rang...Barb was at Tops, would we like to join them? Huh? I was beyond baffled...but our cousins who JUST moved to Indianapolis from the shore...well, they were here...just landed at Newark from their Hawaii/Los Angeles trip. SO...over they came, along with Kay, about 830pm or so. I'd been sent to ShopRite for baked goods to accompany the inevitable jugs of tea, and they arrived in the 25 minute span of my absence. They regaled us with vacation anecdotes...and I peppered them with SoCal queries. They liked San Clemente...hmmmmm...I later realized San Clemente is the town pictured on a mag cut-out that has graced my wall for years. In short, their trip and stories were YET ANOTHER "Gary, can there BE more signs to get your ass there?!" experience. I also got another "if you're GONNA do it, now's the time," too. YES! I can't believe the randomness of their coming...so unexpected...such a WONDERFUL evening. They left about 11:15. THEY'D brought 2 desserts to add to the 2 I bought...so I proceeded to have about 10 pieces of 4 kinds of cake. HA! Along with the tea, of course. It's getting later...nearing 5am...so i'll end this now. A GREAT way to commence my birthday weekend!
Actually, i'll end with 2 quotes from my parents that only begins to illustrate the insanity that is my life...
1) "YOU should join the Air Force...you'd be good at it." -- Dad, to me, as we both sat on the couch, me half reading a paper, Dad mesmerized by a Weather Channel report on our troops in Iraq and the elements they faced, before he switched to SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, again drawn in by the sight of helmuts and gunfire. My reply? "How the hell do YOU know? What are you TALKING about?!"
2) "You and your brother can EACH have one (when I'm dead)." -- Mom, to me, referencing her 2 separately fossilized baby shoes, after painstakingly explaining the story of how she manipulated the Baby Shoe Guy into putting BOTH mine and my bro's shoes each on ONE base, as she "didn't need FOUR bookends." My reply? None. She was cleaning up in the kitchen, while I was in the dining room. I merely sighed, made a "whatthefuck?!" face, and rolled my eyes at her latest breezy mention of how her possessions should be parcelled out once she's dead.
So it hit 75 today!!!!!!! WOW! Once I stumbled out of bed at another obscenely late hour, I didn't see sun and figured the weatherpeople fucked up again. SO glad I was wrong for once. Sure, we had dangerous 50mph gusts ushering in said RECORD-BREAKING warmth, but you can't win em all. Being my birthday weekend and all, I "treated" myself to a bus instead of walking to the PATH, and got to my parents' much easier and earlier than I would have. Ah, but my first gardening gig of the season took place before I saw the 'rents. Glorious to be outdoors amongst nature again! Oh, wait, but along the way, in "the blue alley," I sauntered past a groundskeeper mowing the little league!! YAY!! Fresh-cut grass filled the air with the hope of spring, only further electrifying the spring in my step. I lingered in the yard of my gardening gig at dusk, savoring the air and silence. From there...the parents' insanity, er, house. Some rather irritating moments were replaced with glee once the phone rang...Barb was at Tops, would we like to join them? Huh? I was beyond baffled...but our cousins who JUST moved to Indianapolis from the shore...well, they were here...just landed at Newark from their Hawaii/Los Angeles trip. SO...over they came, along with Kay, about 830pm or so. I'd been sent to ShopRite for baked goods to accompany the inevitable jugs of tea, and they arrived in the 25 minute span of my absence. They regaled us with vacation anecdotes...and I peppered them with SoCal queries. They liked San Clemente...hmmmmm...I later realized San Clemente is the town pictured on a mag cut-out that has graced my wall for years. In short, their trip and stories were YET ANOTHER "Gary, can there BE more signs to get your ass there?!" experience. I also got another "if you're GONNA do it, now's the time," too. YES! I can't believe the randomness of their coming...so unexpected...such a WONDERFUL evening. They left about 11:15. THEY'D brought 2 desserts to add to the 2 I bought...so I proceeded to have about 10 pieces of 4 kinds of cake. HA! Along with the tea, of course. It's getting later...nearing 5am...so i'll end this now. A GREAT way to commence my birthday weekend!
Actually, i'll end with 2 quotes from my parents that only begins to illustrate the insanity that is my life...
1) "YOU should join the Air Force...you'd be good at it." -- Dad, to me, as we both sat on the couch, me half reading a paper, Dad mesmerized by a Weather Channel report on our troops in Iraq and the elements they faced, before he switched to SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, again drawn in by the sight of helmuts and gunfire. My reply? "How the hell do YOU know? What are you TALKING about?!"
2) "You and your brother can EACH have one (when I'm dead)." -- Mom, to me, referencing her 2 separately fossilized baby shoes, after painstakingly explaining the story of how she manipulated the Baby Shoe Guy into putting BOTH mine and my bro's shoes each on ONE base, as she "didn't need FOUR bookends." My reply? None. She was cleaning up in the kitchen, while I was in the dining room. I merely sighed, made a "whatthefuck?!" face, and rolled my eyes at her latest breezy mention of how her possessions should be parcelled out once she's dead.
Oh, how I love a good quote from your father, and that one is precious. Maybe you would be good at it...are you still working out?? I remember a few years ago being taken aback by your incredible hulk like stature. Anyway, I'll try to e-mail you, if I can remember the exact spelling of your last name. And don't feel bad about the room rent thing, that was the perfect answer to help me make the decision I already wanted to make. I have'nt exactly made it yet, but that helps...so thank-you....and Happy Birthday....you are now in the prime of your life. Break a leg!! I'll be in touch -Agent J
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