Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fat Tuesday...and this skinny (but toned) bastard is MOTIVATED!

Happy Fat Tuesday! Damn, I wish I had the foresight and cashflow to plot a trip to New Orleans. I'd have LOVED to have gone there this year...help usher the city back. Jesus, so that means Lent is upon us. Hmm, should I get ashes tomorrow?
Anyway, today continued my snowballing obsession with organizing/bettering my life. And the focus continued to zero in on college alumni. Through my weeding/reading of old alumni magazines, I was inspired to stalk an old friend...who turns out to be in NYC working for Martha Stewart Living!?! Instantaneous machinations of me gaining entry for a tour of Martha's workplace ensue. Or perhaps a job? Who the fuck knows! All I know is, yet again, it all ties together. My organizing = finding old AND potential new friends = potential job AND Southern California information = Gary's in a GRAND old mood. Does THAT make any sense to those out there who think I just sit around, rearranging piles of shit into different configurations, windexing furniture and vacuuming all day, every day? My unsubtle point...again...i'm BEYOND weary of trying to explain my mind to others, as exasperating and unconventional as I know I am. If I start doing heroin or LOOKING like I am, worry about me. Until I cry for help, leave me alone. Some don't seem to realize that I AM fine...ironically UNTIL they start offering their "helpful" advice or cute commentary, at which point my stomach gets into knots and I run the risk of diving into a depressed funk when I WAS in a very GOOD mood. FOLLOW?? I'm not an asshole, but more and more, I think I may start being one. And I CAN be one. The best one. Icing people out has its appeal. Gee, i'm sounding evil. MUAAHHHHHAAAAAA!! LOL, nothing even happened today to warrant this tirade. Guess it's become a permanent defensive thing on my mind. SO, yeah, I look forward to seeing my old friend...he was my peer counselor, actually. Funny. Oh, look, that slut Hillary Andrews is on The Weather Channel now. So I saw my Hungarian Goddess today...and she gave me a bigass mag she just happened to stumble on at work in her Amanda Woodward setting....LOS ANGELES CONFIDENTIAL. Looks like a zesty read. I don't know, the signs just KEEP on smacking me in the nuts. Or face. Or both. In closing, I got 3 boxes of Kellogg's cereals for $5.00 today. THAT'S how you shop, motherfuckers. Learn from The Master. I just wish I'd had a coupon, also. If you spend any more than $3.00 on a box of cereal, you're an idiot. Harsh words, I know. Maybe after I've eventually insulted everyone I know, others will ice ME out first?


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