Monday, February 20, 2006

Sam Champion...tool extraordinaire

Happy Presidents Day! Ok, I really don't know why i'm picking on Sam other than i'm tired, don't have time or energy to devote to my TRUE thoughts, and the Eyewitness News team DOES generally agitate me, so why NOT? I've even had a Ch. 7 reporter standing in my living room...i'll leave ya hangin' with that one. Though it's REALLY not that interesting. And I mean REALLY not. In truth, i'm pondering Big Life stuff, "Christ, I JUST wanna snap my fingers and be in Hermosa Beach, CA!" stuff, wondering who my friends are (and aren't), thinking about current events. Just a laugh RIOT, huh?! This public blog seems to more and more show what a bi-polar lunatic I am. The Melancholy Quipster. Hmm, I like that...may need to change my blog name. But fuck all that shit. I'll get to it tomorrow...or not. Back to Sam. He just annoys me. Let's start with his hair. I guess it's his floppy hair that grates. Cut it, jackass! But actually, it's more about his insipid banter with Diana and Sade. I can't even think of specifics. I just know today at 5pm, I wanted to fire a pistol at my TV. This is morphing into a rant on the Ch. 7 promos. Did ya all see the one from last fall with various New Yorkers singing some idiot version of "We Are The Champions"...meaning SAM? Absolutely cringe-inducing. And NOW they have Diana and Sade just popping up at people's houses, with homeowners joyously inviting them in. AWFUL. I also recall one where Bill Ritter and Liz Cho pretended to order pizza at the same time in the newsroom. Shudder. And Bill waving merrily from a newsvan that glided through the 5 boroughs, carefully avoiding execution-style murders and small children tied to chairs. Christ, they are ALL just sooooooooooo fucking nauseating. Sooooooo FAKE. Someone is getting PAID to come up with these?! Their ass should be FIRED. These spots make me NOT wanna tune in. Have you ONCE seen my local newscaster idol, SUE SIMMONS, in some painful promo where she's traipsing around town or barking "hold the pepperoni" into a fake phone? NO. And she's the best there is in this town. Her and Chuckie together more than 25 years. Sue is REAL. Not a thing fake about her. Even Ch. 7's cliched "newsy" intro music makes my blood boil. Sigh. But I guess I have "a lot of problems," as my mom and dad BOTH told me tonight, for reasons i'll rant about later. Yup, i'm difficult and discriminating. Seems to be the truth. Oh, well.


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