Sunday, February 12, 2006

4am...just "swept" the snow...

I'd intended on regular updates on the Big Blizzard, but Dipshit proceeded to ruin my entire day. Well, it's pouring snow to beat the band, and has been since just before midnight...FINALLY! Up until then, there was maybe an inch on grassy surfaces only...just annoying light, wet snow for HOURS. I was growing beyond impatient...with everything. At about 12:15am, I went out to shovel the first coating of snow...and then proceeded on a half-hour walk just as the storm reached full fury. Oh, I actually used a fraying broom to "sweep" the snow, as shoveling late at night wouldn't go over well with the neighbors. See, THIS is why i'm Mr. Anger...because I actually CONSIDER my fellow man, and rarely get it in return. But that's another posting. The broom works well enough. Along with the side of my boot for caked-on ice. My walk was wonderful. There I was, walking down the middle of the street...something I like to do whenever possible. In the snow, though, I add some touches...I spun around in circles with my arms outstretched, yelling "YEEEEEHAW!" & also yelled other things along the lines of "winter is BACK! Fuck yeah!" See, because one can get away with such things during the muffled middle of a blizzard. Thus, I do it. If I were to scream FUCK in the middle of the street at 1am in June, I'd be arrested. And I don't need that. Oh, I also did a LOT of running and sliding in the street. So I noticed a decent amount of cars out...getting in the way of my street shenanigans. I wondered WHERE the fuck these morons were going to or coming from. Had they not heard the forecast? Was going to the Black Bear for the 179th Saturday in a row WORTH their life or someone else's? I yearned to flag down each and every car and ask their purpose in being out, but I refrained. I merely categorized them in my head as Stupid Fucks and carried on being giddy in the snow. Oh, and just now, during my 2nd sweeping out front, I decided to taste the snow. It's been a while. I wanted to taste what the heavens have blessed us with. How better to be one with nature? It was like tasting God. Or the Prophet Muhammad. The snow tasted fresh. I took several gulps off my railing. I also rubbed my face in it. Delightful! Then I came in, put an english muffin on, and am now writing my blog. I would say there's about 6 inches on the ground...and the radar shows MANY more hours to come. YAY! But now I can go to sleep knowing I put a healthy dent in clearing the snow for my landlords. A goodwill gesture.

So let's briefly talk about Dipshit. But not that much, because he already ruined my entire night and I'm tired of wasting energy on him. It was a night that truly tested the "perspective" of this blog's title. In a nutshell, he sat online for hours, doing work stuff. In my way. Not that I NEEDED to be online...but JUST in my way. No, but worse, MUCH worse, was that he made and received seemingly dozens of phonecalls, which I had to listen to. All work-related. All in that voice. That hideous voice. That voice that was giving me a headache. That voice that is, on the Annoyance Meter, akin to what I imagine a cat would sound like if its rectum was being prodded slowly, inch by excruciating inch, by a hot curling iron, over a period of some 3 hours. Yes, akin to that. His voice makes me INSANE. I can't deal with it anymore. I understand why people snap and beat others to death with baseball bats. It's a tightrope, sanity. I literally did nothing for hours but nibble on snacks, dust, and watch the Weather Channel. I couldn't focus on ANYthing with his madness surrounding me. Oh, wait, I DID do some minimal lifting of weights. He's lucky I didn't drop the 30-pounder on his nuts. I held off dinner until he left for Hoboken for the night....except that he decided around 11pm that, with work and getting a cab issues, he wouldn't be going. I nearly threw myself through the window. And so, the perverse conundrum of severe winter storms much as I love them, I'm ALWAYS trapped inside for hours with roomies. Nightmare. SOOOOO hard to maintain perspective. Was that brief, lol?

And about my dinner...I had Barilla farfalle pasta. Filling and tasty enough, but never again with this farfalle. It's just a fucking bitch to pick up with a fork. Just NOT easy. I was chasing the fuckers around my plate, stabbing at them. Oh, and when I came in from walking around in a blizzard, is it odd that I had ice cream? Hot cocoa, too, but I LOVE ice cream any day of the year. I guess that's it for now. Christ, it's 5am. I'm buoyed by the blizzard. Yeehaw!!


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